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Sunday, October 18, 2015

People with Confederate Flags on Trucks Arrested under Anti-Terrorism Laws

Several pickup trucks with several large American and Confederate flags drove through a neighborhood where a black family was holding a birthday party for their child. The drivers of the trucks said they were coming back from a “Respect the Flag” event when people started throwing objects at the trucks. The party goers say they felt unsafe.

What’s not in dispute is that the drivers of the trucks were arrested under anti-terrorism laws.

Watch the Fox News report HERE


  1. Huh? Haven't the usual bunch of a$$holes been saying that there are no laws banning Confederate flags? Haven't they been saying that this is limited to displaying the flag on state property? Remember - you can tell a liberal apologist is lying if his lips are moving.

  2. Terrorizing a child's birthday party, some real men here. Sick

    1. Child's birthday party? Hardly. These " people" don't have birthday parties like you'd think. It's a shin dig! Drinking ,blunts ,you name it. The party isn't for the kid.

  3. Lawsuit. Freedom of Expression, DUH!

    I may not like your choice of freedom of expression, but I defend your right to do so, to the death!

    1. Law suit hell..the 2nd amendment was established to defend the 1st amendment.

  4. Hey 8:54-read the second sentence of the article, if you can read.

  5. And yet the police arrested them. That's right folks. The men and shemales that you love and can't do wrong. Keep cheering. You'll be next for just being you!

    1. Police didn't arrest them. Grand jury did. That is made up of people from county of jurisdiction moron.

    2. Does a grand jury slap cuffs? Who is the moron?

  6. Truly stupid people.....they knew what they were doing.....sounds like justice is being served......

    1. Exactly.... They knew what they were doing and it is legal! So many cases of false arrest and imprisonment this year. Don't forget those bikers in Texas.

  7. The bill of rights is being taken from us...the question is "what are we as citizens going to do to defend those rights?"

  8. Black lives matter can burn a city but that's ok? Throwing objects with intent to harm is a felony!!

  9. 9:13. How can you say these people don't have birthday parties like you think. There has never been anything that you speak of at any of my kids birthday.

  10. You can thank Bush, Cheney & your 107th Congress for this. By pushing through the HSA & PATRIOT Acts these 'true terrorists' have given LE, in it's various forms, the tools to take the last vestiges of freedom from this country.

    1. As flawed and intrusive as the so-called "Patriot Act" and other domestic spying laws are, they didn't cause this. Obama's inflammatory and overtly racist policies have "empowered" them to openly express their hatred, and they've discovered yet another way to exploit our laws for their own selfish and mean-spirited ends.

    2. Obama is currently the president

  11. Tbey started throwing rocks at people driving by....because they "felt unsafe"?

    Doesn't a mob throwing rocks make the drivers feel unsafe? It's not like they stopped their vehicles and began harassing them. If they had stopped, the mob would have no doubt attacked them, swarming their vehicles and attempting to drag them out, which is their typical mentality.

    I don't recall any of them charged d with "terroristic threats" for the mob attacks on whites.

  12. This is Fkg Pathetic.

    But it is Ok for the Black Panthers to intimidate me at the Voting Booths!

  13. OK, let me get this straight. I can burn an American flag. I can fly a Mexican flag at school on Cinco de Mayo. But if I fly a confederate flag it's terrorism. Somebody help me. I'm confused.

  14. All I am saying to you STUPID people, are I mean you are really STUPID, that I TOLD YOU SO YET AGAIN...

    Keep sitting by and waiting for some white knight to come in and save the day for you, I can assure you it will not happen... The ones who tried to stop this are and have been taken out... There is no one left but us the people and well you people are to STUPID!!! That's right I said it, you are to STUPID...

    It's ok though, wait until you get arrested for simply starting your car without permission fro the govt, and then you will care... You people can't think this could happen? well you thought they wouldn't tax the rain and they did so what now???

  15. Burning and trampling on an American flag is considered "free speech", yet having a confederate flag on your own vehicle is grounds for being arrested? Why weren't the party goers who threw objects at the vehicles arrested? I would consider that destruction of property....yu feel threatened so you go after the threat? I am pretty sure that is not how the law works.

  16. The people at the birthday party felt threatened? Sounds like to me they were the ones throwing rocks at the trucks. Seems like the people in the trucks were driving home and were threatened by the rock throwers. The Confederate Flag is a piece of history from the Civil War. It seems to me it is not intimidating or racist unless the people looking at it deem it to be so. White people are threatened and intimidated everyday by the NAACP, Black Panthers, and Black Lives Matter. Yet nothing is done to those people. Sounds like a racist against white people double standard.

  17. You can only be racist is you are white, don't you know?

  18. These morons knew exactly what they were doing when they pulled this stunt.....I think arrests are a little strong but these people were ignorant and really foolish.

  19. They were arrested for brandishing weapons, idiots. Terroristic threats - something that's been on the books for awhile. Aggravated assault, basically. And an anti-gang statute, because that's what you are when you form a large group of people and go threaten the public.

  20. Home grown terrorists are worse than anything we face from over seas. These pro confederate people are anti American and traitors.

    1. I agree. Black people are better then white people. We better athletes and president is black

    2. You have never on deployment.

  21. The Progressives are modern day Nazi's

  22. "We better athletes and president is black" Um, I wouldn't be overly proud of sharing skin color with this president. As a race, he isn't doing a whole lot for you - or anyone else for that matter.

  23. Funny the flag has nothing to do with race unless you are viewing it from a racist eyes.
    Fly em high fly em long


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