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Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Obama's Hometown of Chicago has 50 Shootings/Weekend, But He Lectures Us on Controlling Gun Violence


  1. Gun control LOL pospotus.

  2. And, can you imagine, some of the toughest gun control laws! What a surprise! I hope he moves back to Chicago!

    1. Won't matter where he moves - thanks to tax payers he will have gun toting protection the rest of his life.

      Apparently Obama was not aware of Chicago Crime when he lived there, he has been blind to crime in Chicago while in the White House and if he chooses to return to Chicago
      surrounded by armed Secret Service,he will not be in the loop on Crime statistics.

  3. Obama Crooked BastardoOctober 7, 2015 at 2:26 PM

    Somebody please tell Barrack, Lead by an example. Disarm your Secret Service and bodyguards and move to Gun Free Zone in Chicago. 99% People of America Would LoveThat!!!

  4. it'as a shame he wasn't caught in the middle of it,but then,we would have that clown biden filling in my opinion

  5. How about "criminal control"?

  6. Lets start with the people that have to protect him. map

  7. I notice he didn't mention talking about gun control after Fort Hood or Chattanooga!!


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