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Sunday, October 18, 2015

Obama Bans Pork from Prisons, CAIR Praises Decision

The federal Bureau of Prisons has banned pork products from being served in the 122 prisons it runs nationwide.

The ban started with the new fiscal year, which began October 1, and is attributed by the bureau to prisoners not liking pork. Surveys over recent years have found prisoners like pork least of all meats, and it is too costly, prison bureau spokesman Edmond Ross told the Post.

The National Pork Producers Council was skeptical.

"I find it hard to believe that a survey would have found a majority of any population saying, 'No thanks, I don’t want any bacon,'" Dave Warner, a spokesman for the group, said.



  1. The Muslim population said nope!

  2. they never ever get bacon! it can be purchased from the commissary for really high dollars, but muslim thugs will not allow it as it is offensive to their insane culture and would rather hold out of worldly pleasures other than killings in hopes of getting those 72 virgins after death. sounds like too much work to me.

  3. Too expensive my foot! The only cheaper meat is chicken!

  4. Filet mignon only, or a porterhouse...

  5. Another reason that they liked it lease was because of how it was served - a pork "patty".
    They're never served pulled pork or pork chops or a pork roast - just the patties. on buns, under gravy or just sitting there on the tray.

  6. Let's see. Here is my thoughts. They are in prison. They shouldn't get a say in what they eat. They don't want to eat pork, then starve.

    Prisoners should be fed bread and water. Should do hard labor. No computers, weights, cable tv or internet. They are there to be PUNISHED.

  7. Islam in prison ? But muslIms don't commit crimes?

  8. Religious baloney. The pork ban was first the Jews', not as an edict from God, but a health and safety law rolled into a religious delivery system. Among primitive people there's no better way to get a law to be obeyed than to put it in a religious context.

    If it's part of a religion, it's assumed that God is its author. If it's part of a religion, it leads some people to believe that the religion is special, some not to like the religion because they think that everyone should have a choice, and some to kill or maim any and everybody who doesn't like the people who don't adhere to the ban on pork.

    Pork is no longer a dangerous food. Just try to absorb that fact. Religious reasons for not eating it are a farce.

  9. they may be punished by those things, 8:41, by the shear means on having to pay for them. They just continue to drain their families income. Wicomico jail is just as bad. if you have to stay the night, you are automatically charged for the items you need to stay there and you can't get your money back like they tell you until the day after you are released in the form of a check that you can't even cash w/o having to pay a check cashing fee. most frequent returnees don't have checking or savings accounts, but now they have to cash a check. the entire process should be revamped. should the white collar criminals be allowed to pay for premium gym memberships over the violent gang thugs that may have shorter time to do? there are way too many variables for any of us to sit back and judge. if it really matters to you, get involved! find your way to change the system. if i wasn't stuck here in the hospital for being bored and reading my daily interests, i would have never considered jail food an issue. I'm glad i read this since it makes my problems feel a bit smaller. good day to you all.

    1. Stay out of jail
      Eat your pork at home.

  10. The only reason the prisons stop serving pork is because of Muslims - does Obama really think the general public out here is that damn dumb?

  11. 9:40.YES he does and yes they are. Unfortunate isn't it.

  12. 9:24, actually, your entity didn't ever "say" anything. it's just a claim by a nut job. also, you ate your own feces and mucous snot boogers until you learned not to, because society says it is wrong, yet we get to watch people's strange addiction on television in which some people drink gasoline, drink & bathe in urine to include using it as an eyewash. I guess some people need those specialty drinks to get those fresh dryer sheets down their throats, but who are we to judge? Don't nock it 'til you try it. However, it is my opinion that every part of the pigs' digestive system is delicious. have you tried scrapple? yum!

  13. I say remove ALL Meat from prison. Rice and beans every day!

  14. Approved by Obama the muslim.

  15. Bread and water only!

  16. Valerie Jarrett commanded this.


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