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Friday, October 02, 2015

Notorious US Surveillance Bill May Kill Internet Privacy This Week

"Giving more of your information to the government creates a huge new target for hackers"

The US Congress, faced with a possible government shutdown, is allegedly considering the re-introduction of the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA) this week.

Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky is reportedly believed to be considering resurrecting the controversial bill, claims The Politico, a DC area political newspaper.

Opinions are divided on the issue, as one source claimed that a “likeness” of the bill will return to the table while another doubted its reintroduction, saying it was “all very uncertain” and “technically possible, but nothing definitive.”

If lawmakers approve the CISA, which many Americans see as a double-edged sword, it will grant legal immunity to companies that wish to monitor their customers and share private information with the US government if they are believed to constitute a ‘cybersecurity threat’.



  1. We have gone WAAAAAAY past the time to start hanging these Nazi wanna-be's and their cheerleaders.
    How much do they have to do to "we, the people" before we start taking this thing back?
    What's next? Camera's and mic's in your home? DNA sample when you renew your license? Fingerprints on every job application?
    We are being watched, photographed, monitored, recorded, and tracked (innocence be damned --- we're catching TERRORISTS!!) by dozens of different Gestapo agencies (known and unknown) all the time. 24-7.
    Everywhere you go. In the "Land of the Free".
    China doesn't even do the stuff to their citizens that OUR leaders do to us every day.
    And you've cheered yourself right onto the train platforms.
    Soon, its going to be dogs and screaming men with automatic weapons.
    All your cheering won't do any of you a bit of good, either.
    THIS is what Jefferson and Madison and Adams envisioned for the USA???
    Cheer on.


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