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Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Message to Congress: 10 Things Americans Want from New Congressional Leadership


Republican leaders have a responsibility to better align their party’s policy stances with founding American principles, the U.S. Constitution, and the will and consent of the American people against the threats facing this nation right now. Congressional leaders represent more than merely the internal majority of their respective chambers. They become national leaders of the entire Republican Party and, when in the majority, the citizens of every state. This is the essence of self-government.

Failed leadership has profound consequences on our culture, our children, our prosperity, our security and consequently, spreads defeatism.

A recent Gallup poll shows half the nation, Democrats and Republicans, believes the federal government poses an immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens. There is bipartisan agreement that the government we now have has failed.

The overwhelming majority of Republicans now believe congressional leaders care more about special interests than the country’s interest, causing the disaffection of millions of citizens. The Republican Party has become an empty vessel, instead of broadening the Party’s appeal through demonstrated contrast with liberal policies and a robust defense of American exceptionalism. Conservatives expect party leaders to place the nation’s interests before their own re-election, especially at this time in our nation’s history.

We call for statesmen with the humility and capacity to act in the best interests of those who understand what is at stake in our times, and to govern with truth, principles and selflessness. We do not need to elevate career politicians who protect their power with political gamesmanship, show votes, self-interest and ineffective oversight.

Republicans, squandering their landslide 2014 victory, have failed to use their powers to stop the big government, big-business agenda dominating Washington backrooms. They failed to listen to us, calling many patriots names, just as liberals hoped. This caused the division on display now. Surrendering to and accommodating the growing-government agenda, just to get re-elected, is not why Republicans were granted majorities in both houses of Congress last year.

10 Things Americans Want from New Congressional Leadership

1. We want a conservative vision and strategy for a prosperous future that frames a contrast with the failed progressive, liberal policies of President Obama and the Left. We want strategies that include passionate, effective messaging for getting important legislation inserted into must-pass bills, using outside allies and all possible resources.

2. We want a unified, more effective messaging strategy that moves members and allies to go on offense together over the biggest threats to the nation. We want leaders to stop excessively using mainstream media to talk to the nation, and craft new and effective tactics that will go around a hostile news establishment.

3. We want effective government oversight by committees who expose the lawlessness and change what is wrong with the unaccountable, growing administrative state, which abuses its citizens and drains the national treasury in the process.

4. We want regular legislative order through committees with an end to backroom dealsand special favors at the White House or in leadership offices.

5. We want a meritocracy in Congress where partisan politics and fundraising play less of a role in highlighting Member/Senator ideas and committee assignments.

6. We demand that you stop punishing your own team, many who are champions to conservatives. Respect your base by showing greater offense to the radical Left than your conservative base.

7. We demand that you fight to protect political opponents of the President and the institutions that are increasingly under attack, i.e. military, law enforcement, private property, free markets, rule of law, religious liberty, etc.

8. We demand that you force the opposition to defend their failed and harmful ideology and policies by shining a light on the damage they have done and are doing.

9. We demand you keep your promises you made as you campaigned for office, and go full bore to stop President Obama’s fundamental transformation having lost too many months and too much trust amongst Americans already.

10. We demand that you restore Congress’ legislative powers so it is once again a branch holding the other two branches, and the administrative state, in check.

Self-government, as designed by the founders will end as a check on unrestrained power in the other branches, if Congress continues to fail to exercise its constitutional role as a brake on executive and judicial abuses of power. Congress will become irrelevant in the scheme of our government.

John Boehner did not care about the institution, as he claimed. Had he cared, the Congress would be on offense, pushing back and defending the country’s interests under this lawless, power-hungry President. Do not be the Congress and its leaders who history books reveal as the men and women who squandered and lost America’s self government.

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