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Friday, October 02, 2015

Liberals Gush Over Video of Mom Giving Gender-Altering Hormones to Child

Liberals are gushing over a video that would have any normal person feeling sick. In it, a mother surprises her son, who is transgender, with gender-altering hormone treatment that they’ve been waiting to get for years.

A supportive mother surprised her transgender teen daughter with her first dose of hormone therapy – something she had been waiting two years for – in a moving video chronicling the life-changing moment.

Erica Maison, a mother-of-five from Detroit, Michigan, filmed 14-year-old Corey’s heart-wrenching reaction to finding her estrogen prescription hidden behind a couch cushion after two-and-half years of waiting to begin hormone therapy before she stopped the camera to embrace her daughter.

‘This was it, this was the most pivotal turning point in her life, and we both knew it,’ Erica told Buzzfeed of Corey’s emotional response to the news.

The 30-second clip begins with Corey sitting on the couch, asking: ‘What’s going on?’

Without giving away any of the surprise, Erica tells her daughter to reach behind the pillow she is sitting on.

‘Come on! What did you do this time?’ Corey says with a smile.

After she pulls out a plastic bag from behind the cushion, she opens it to find a box filled with estrogen pills.

‘Do you know what that is?’ Erica asks her, and when Corey realizes what she is holding she bursts into tears, as she stands up to embrace her mom.

… The proud mother explained that Corey was ‘always feminine’ when she was younger, but she wore boys clothes to school, and Erica thought she might be gay.

However, after Corey was taken out of school because she was being bullied, they came across a video of Jazz Jennings, a transgender YouTube star who Corey immediately identified with.

After watching one of Jazz’s clips,Corey started dressing like a girl in public, and although she faced a great deal of harassment from strangers, her mother encouraged her to be confident by advising her to ‘strike a pose’ every time a stranger tried to take her picture.



  1. I am sorry if this offends anyone but this is just sick. No matter what you do your DNA will say you are the sex you are born with!

  2. Sure, but that doesn't mean your physical bits and pieces always match the gender you "know" yourself to be.

    I know I'm a healthy white female. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind, and I am 100% comfortable in my gender identity. I love being female, and can't imagine, don't even want to imagine what it's like having dangly bits flopping around down there. Ugh!!

    But suppose by some congenital defect, the hormones that "masculinize" a fetus in utero, were released at the critical time in fetal development where gender dimorphism is just beginning. Even though I carry female XX genes, that accidental exposure to androgen or testosterone, would have driven my brain development to take on more "masculine" characteristics. It could have been a congenital problem, a medical issue, or perhaps the mother was inadvertently exposed to some unknown chemical, that disrupted the normal development of gender in utero.

    And you known what? That would SUCK.

    Because my brain woul have been hard wired to "know" myself to be a male, and to think like a man, and to be attracted to, as normal men are...to women.

    Thankfully, this didn't happen.

    I was fortunate, as most of us are, that my DNA was matched with a female model of the brain.

    We need to consider, are we male or female solely because of our genetic gender type? Or are we male vs. female because our brain recieved a certain amount of chemical stimulation, early in our development?

    Count yourself lucky if your gender matches your genes. Because for some, it doesn't.

  3. With everything these democrats do to be as in moral as possible how can anyone vote for them!!! Says a lot about themselves and wonder why the are such lowlife.

  4. You know what? I don't care if this mother wants to give her transgender child hormones. Why do you shore bullies care? How does it impact your life? It doesn't impact mine at all,

  5. Spoken like a true transvestite. 443

  6. She should be shot.

  7. $:06 that is a wonderful argument but in your own words it is a medical defect or as you say a problem in the brain which makes it a mental disorder!

  8. Brave post 4:06. I applaud you for your bravery...

  9. 12:12 brave....seriously?

  10. child abuse, of the highest order!


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