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Thursday, October 15, 2015

Liberals are going to be OUTRAGED at this new Kia ad


  1. Love it!!!! A commercial like this is long overdue!


  2. Best commercial I have ever seen

  3. How come no one is saying i'm going out and buy a KIA. So many are so quick to say I'll never "buy that again" or "eat there" again over negative. I would run right out and buy a KIA if not for the fact mine is only 5 months old

  4. 8:50, You say, "over negative". I do not believe anyone commenting thinks this is negative at all. More importantly, what makes you think people should follow someone anonymous and run right out to make a major investment? Finally, it's early in the morning and most people are heading to work. I find it strange that someone like yourself would come on here and jump on our commenters for not following your rules. Looks like an EBT Blogger comment to me.

    1. You didn't get my Tongue in cheek satire. The KIA commercial is great and I certainly wish more commercials would forget being PC and tell it like it is.

      There are generally negative comments on SBYNews concerning articles of (deserved) bad press. A person complains about a make of car , then half of the comments on SBYNews read "I'm never going to buy another _______" OR a chain eatery in Minnesota won't serve a policemen wearing a gun, then half the comments read "'I'm never going to eat in that eatery again" OR the Daily Times has an op-ed and half the comments say "I'm never going to read that rag again", while the other half say "I ain't read that rag in years..

      Get where I am coming from? Since we know folks can make (stupid) negative comments I would hope they would give praise when they see an upbeat ad like KIA's

      IMO this country needs more commercials that does not care about political correctness. I think KIA deserved high praise.and I believe the majority of grass root Americans feel as I do. I apologize for my poor choice of wording, I knew what I meant but I sure did not express it.clearly.

  5. Let the Libs be outraged. It's about time the tables are turned!

  6. Dad, you're doing it right! and 8:50, I think it's great that Kia did the ad, but I don't want to go buy one right now, though when in the market I have considered one. Liking a commercial does not make me want to run out and buy one or not. Liking or disliking the car is where I base my opinion.

  7. I don't like Kia at all (I'm a Toyota guy through and through); however, I will give credit where credit is due - THIS IS AN EXCELLENT COMMERCIAL! In a soft society where everybody "wins" these days, I still firmly believe that there is a winner and a loser in everything. You don't just win by showing up. You win by showing up AND working hard AND dedicating yourself toward a goal AND performing better than your opponent(s). PERIOD. End of story! I raise my boys by teaching them that you get out of life what you put into it. If you want to win then you have to do the things necessary to achieve that goal. If you lose, then you learn from it. I don't teach them that losing is bad or that you always HAVE to win because I feel that losing, being able to lose and learning from losing is a big part of making yourself better in life. If we have no motivation to do better in life then we get nowhere and that is very evident in today's society. My children will not succumb to that mantra - I teach them to ALWAYS strive to be better. I wish more people had that ideology

    On another note... despite not liking Kia (again, Toyota guy here), I do respect the company a lot. I was told years ago when they were producing garbage that Kia would be "the next Honda" on the automotive market. That person was absolutely right. Kia has managed to improve their quality and aesthetics to produce reliable vehicles at a very reasonable price. They will likely never get my business, but at this point I wouldn't tell anybody not to buy one.

  8. I love it. When I was a kid and you tried out for little league and didn't make it.. To bad. Better luck next year. Your trophy was making the team and keeping the cap.


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