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Friday, October 02, 2015

JUST IN: Jessie Matthew gets 3 life sentences in Fairfax Co. sex assault

FAIRFAX, Va. — Jesse Matthew Jr., who also currently faces two murder trials, was sentenced for the rape and attempted murder of a Fairfax woman over a decade ago.

Matthew entered an Alford plea on June 10 for the September 2005 abduction, sexual assault and attempted murder of the victim identified as “RG” in Fairfax.

With that plea he did not admit to a criminal act, but acknowledged that prosecutors had enough evidence to win a conviction. However, the plea came as a surprise to many. It was a way to maintain innocence, but for all intent and purpose, there is no distinction when it comes to sentencing and his appellate rights are waived as well.



  1. Sorry that scum did not get the death penalty with torture before it by a Jack Bauer type.

  2. Three bullets would have been a whole lot cheaper than the millions we will spend to provide him with three hots and cot, a basketball court, air conditioning, the best in health and dental care, and free surgery if he decides he wants to be a girl in jail.

  3. Add another deserving one to the "racist" criminal justice system. One more for the black male criminality and prison statistics that the BLM fools howl about as "unjust".

    Disparate impact, because disparate rates and brutality of crimes.

    Throw away the key. Too bad he didn't get the "magic needle".

  4. "Anonymous said...

    Sorry that scum did not get the death penalty with torture before it by a Jack Bauer type.

    October 2, 2015 at 3:30 PM"

    He's scheduled to go on trial for the 1st of the 2 murders in July 2016 and is facing the death penalty. Second murder trial is scheduled for October of 2016.

    When the sentence was read his mother yelled at the judge"Lord I hope you rot in hell"
    I have news for momma. It is she who is going to rot in hell for being an excuse maker and an enabler to her disturbed son. God doesn't like enablers and they are punished by Him just as severely as a murderer.

  5. He is garbage. Fact. However this Alford plea crap is stupid. 95% of the time a prosecutor can make an innocent person look guilty with plenty of evidence of sorts. Many people are forced to take these plea deals just to ensure that the time they get is minimal. It's a disgusting tactic used against the poor who can't afford proper representation.

  6. Ok who is this guy? I must be living under a rock. Who is he and what is this about?

  7. He could have gotten millions from Baltimore legislatures. What a waste!

  8. 8:39 he is Obama's long lost son he refures to all the time.

  9. 3:30 I agree. Thot sure he'd get the ultimate in Virginia!


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