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Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Is History Repeating Itself?


  1. Yes, it is repeating itself and so are the economic events that have and are occurring, see the history of Argentina since the early 1900s. How do people think what is happening is better than what we were doing before?????? This once great nation has been destroyed and brought to its knees. I was born in America, the greatest country in the world, during the Great Depression and will die in the United Socialist States of America. It is so sad to see the demise of this nation. This Fundamental Change promised us has never worked anywhere in the world where it has been tried. It has essentially bankrupted us.

  2. Sad to say the govt is using hitlere playbook step by step...

  3. And did you read "Matt Drudge warns that the very foundation of the free Internet is under severe threat from copyright laws that could ban independent media outlets, revealing that he was told directly by a Supreme Court Justice, 'It’s over for me.'”

    The liberals have caused this to happen.

  4. Some of the things he did that the government should do.....

    Everyone works - get a gov't handout - you work (yes, physical labor) for the people! Picking up trash on the roadways - or cleaning office buildings...perfect for the Melwood job!

    Leeches on society are eliminated - yes, this sounds cruel - but imagine how much money the society would save and be able to re-allocate to finding cures for cancer, als, alzheimers, MS, MD homosexuality and other diseases!

    Forced sterilization of undesireables - think about it...no more multi-generational welfare families.....

    Everyone does government service - we had this in our previous history - made the politicians think about sending troops to war - their children were in there. Military, fire, police...pick one!

  5. The problem with forced sterilization 7:42 is who gets to decide who is sterilized? You? Who decides who is "undesirable"?

    Do we set up panels consisting of ethnically "pure" people to make the call or do we sterilize based on your earnings? IQ? Land ownership?

    Maybe 7:42 would be slated for forced sterilization...

  6. Joe you may disagree with me but some people,even if they are "clean" on paper,have no damn business owning guns.THOSE are the ones I worry about.

  7. 742 define leech on society. just so you know; your rhetoric about the extermination of people for the supposed gain of finances, would not help anyone. These money's gained to help fight cancer, lol, Hitler killed all those people. concentration camps benefited noone but the elite pushing a war machine. Second, there is no better way to enslave people, than the welfare system. And if you look carefully, more people are being pushed into it everyday. YOU, my dear are being illusioned by a divide and conquer media, the people on welfare dole are not breaking the country, the politicians are. And last but not least, before you post again about civil service with regard to our politicians, look again at the amount that have served over the past 50 years.

  8. 8:36 - don't worry - both you and 7:59 would be on the lists - keep drinking the kool-aid!

  9. 8:14, I don't disagree with you at all.

  10. Obama the New Hiltler.

  11. Hitler is Obama's roll model.

  12. 814 who gets to decide to take away
    Constitutional rights from law abiding citizens? I fear those people.

  13. 8:14 again.....I have seen too much tragedy from people with alcohol,drug or psychiatric problems who had access to weapons.Don't think for a minute that all murders involving a gun are all unregistered or stolen.A small minority of these legal owners are those who use their "gun rights" to intimidate and terrorize people but until they actually shoot someone,nothing can be done.I think the laws need to change that!

    1. Think harder, then re-read the Bill of Rights.


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