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Saturday, October 03, 2015

Iran death toll from Hajj doubles as anger at Saudi grows

Iran says 464 of its pilgrims killed at Hajj disaster – double previous count – in claim likely to intensify row over Saudi 'cover-up' of scale

Iran's death toll from the Saudi Hajj disaster has nearly doubled to 464 pilgrims killed, state media reported on Thursday, a development that is likely to further strain ties between the Middle East rivals.

It was not immediately clear how the rise in Iran's death toll, based on a Hajj department statement posted on the website of Iranian state television, would affect the overall toll from the Sept. 24 disaster near Islam's holy city of Mecca.

Saudi Arabia's Healthy Ministry reported on Saturday that the crush and stampede killed at least 769 pilgrims and injured 934. Pakistan, India, Indonesia and Iran all have said the toll may be higher.



  1. Nukes would have helped...

  2. Even on their holy pilgrimage, this seems to happen every year, they can not keep civility! When was the last stampede to see the pope? the Dali Lama or any other religious head or function? Actions speak louder than words!

  3. I think this Hajj should be held daily.


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