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Wednesday, October 07, 2015

“I’ll Just Try It Once.”

Warning: Even a single dose of heroin can start a person on the road to addiction.

Many people experiment with heroin thinking, “I’ll try it once or twice. I can always stop.” But those who start down that road find it nearly impossible to turn back.

Consider the words of Sam, a 15-year-old addict: “When you first shoot up, you will most likely puke and feel repelled, but soon you’ll try it again. It will cling to you like an obsessed lover. The rush of the hit and the way you'll want more, as if you were being deprived of air—that’s how it will trap you.”

The threat of addiction is not the worst consequence of experimenting with heroin. Jim was 21 years old and usually spent his evenings drinking beer with friends. He had already experimented with heroin so when friends offered him a line to sniff, he accepted. Fifteen minutes after inhaling, he passed out, then dropped into a deep coma which lasted more than two months. Today, he is confined to a wheelchair, unable to write, barely able to read. Whatever dreams and aspirations he once had are gone.

The HEROIN “Look”....


  1. It's called chasing the dragon. The first time you do it, you may have some unpleasant side effects but the euphoria is like something never felt before. The feeling can't be duplicated ever again and that's what compels some to keep on chasing the dragon.

  2. It's actually called being a feeble minds idiot. I did enough hard drugs in my rock & roll days to kill an elephant but when it was over it was over. Sack up, walk away and stop being a vajayjay!


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