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Thursday, October 15, 2015

Identical twins could be born up to 4 months apart

KIRKLAND, Wash. — Identical twin brothers are off to a very unusual start in life.

One is in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, born extremely prematurely. The other is still in the womb and hopefully won't be born until January.

Baby Link weighed just 1 lb, 2 oz. when he was born 23 weeks into his mother's pregnancy. It's a gestational time considered to be on the cusp of viability. While Link has heart and lung issues, he is doing well considering his medical hurdles.

The tiny baby is an identical twin, and doctors originally expected to have both newborns in the NICU at EvergreenHealth Medical Center. But instead, brother Logan is still in their mother's womb.



  1. Keep fighting Baby Link, the Good Lord will watch over you and protect you.

  2. Prayers sent now...


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