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Monday, October 05, 2015

Hillary Clinton Calls for Mass Movement to Eradicate Second Amendment

Will "never relent" in war on Bill of Rights

Presidential candidate and former First Lady and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is calling for a a “national movement” to “stand up to the NRA and the gun lobby,” euphemisms for attacking and rolling back the Second Amendment.

Clinton acknowledged passing laws designed to chip away at the constitutional right of Americans to own firearms will be “a political mountain to climb,” but said if elected she will “never relent.”

“But you don’t get anything done in this country if you don’t start by calling it out,” Clinton said.

She then exploited the child victims of “gun violence,” in other words the victims of psychopaths, many on psychotropic drugs.

“We need to make every politician who sides with them to look into the eyes of parents whose children have been murdered and explain why they listened to the gun lobbyists instead.”



  1. If you feel unworthy to have rights then go to another country, if you feel the political establishment has the right to deny you yours then you should be very afraid

  2. All this talk while she is surrounded by men with guns.

  3. The current state of affairs and the government trying to revoke right due unto us by the Constitution and Bill of rights boarders on insanity. The act of doing something over and over again and expecting a different result is all the big wigs seem to do...hence maybe they are the ones that should take a psychological evaluation before they are eligible to be elected.

  4. How about starting by removing guns from the secret service that protect you?

  5. Good news is that there are enough gun carrying dumbocrats to ensure she doesn't win the primary.....

  6. I've seen a lot of politicians in my life, but I have NEVER seen one who panders to every whim and headline so unabashedly.
    She probably would tell Satan she'd get rid of priests if he would vote for her.
    Keep cheering.

    Its a stark reminder of the empty tank the Democrats run on when the only two people they can get to run for the presidency is a socialist and a criminal.

    Keep cheering.

  7. How about making able bodied Americans get back to work and promoting two-parent homes? It's the reduction of the presence of God and Christianity in our society that has led to all the immorality here. Wake up, America!

  8. Do something about the psychos. & the illegal sale to felons. One perp was selling, caught & got a short prison time because he was prosecuted on one charge when he actually sold many more than that.

  9. Surely she'll want her "goons" to give up theirs also!


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