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Friday, October 30, 2015


This Halloween, what do you fear?

I fear fear itself because when we are afraid, we willingly give away our freedoms.

Global warning? More power to the EPA!

9/11? Vote 100 to 0 to create a TSA!

Kids don’t learn? Common Core!

Crime up? Spend on police! (Or for leftists: increase welfare!)

Immigrants? Seal the border!

Ebola? More money and power for public health programs!

Government thrives on our fears. When we’re scared, politicians are always there, promising to protect us if we just give them more money and power. We usually do.

I got into an argument about that with the hosts of the Fox show “Outnumbered,” which pits one man against four women in debate. The “Outnumbered” hosts are not the usual silly socialist media alarmists. They often report on the harm big government does. But last summer, with government warning about Ebola being an “incredibly transmissible” disease and media shrieking, “Are hospitals ready?” all four women were (SET ITAL) alarmed (END ITAL).

They wanted government to (SET ITAL) do (END ITAL) something. Quarantine? Ban flights from Africa? Hire more doctors? Government must do something!

I pushed back, saying, “You women get too scared; you exaggerate the risk.” I know that was sexist. But I also think it’s true — women fear more. Am I wrong? I’m open to counter-argument.



  1. i fear any organization that would have someone like myself as a member.

  2. Since women are the ones that have the children their first thought is the safety of their kids freedom and everything else comes second. That is why I am not in favor a woman president. Margret Thatcher was an exception and Carly Fiorina might be also. One thing I am sure of the German people will be sorry they ever elected Angela Merkle It won't be long and Germany will be an Islamic state, Sweden also.

  3. I fear an announcement in November 2016, President Clinton!


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