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Saturday, October 10, 2015

Dozens of Baltimore public housing families exceed income limits

Sixty-four families who live in public housing in Baltimore earn more money than is permitted by the program's income eligibility requirements, new data from a federal inspector general's audit shows.

The families, who represent less than 1 percent of public housing units maintained by the Housing Authority of Baltimore City, earned a combined $798,563 over the income limits, according to an analysis of the data by The Baltimore Sun.

Income caps for public housing vary by city and family size. For example, in Baltimore, a family of four can earn no more than $44,200 to qualify for housing.



  1. But look how nicely they've fixed their places up.

  2. This will not stop as long as Democrats handle the money.

  3. This doesn't consider the underground income from turning tricks and selling dope!


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