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Friday, October 30, 2015

Donald Trump: Media Are 'Scum'

Donald Trump says the media are not doing a good job of covering his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination, lashing out at them during a Monday rally in Atkinson, N.H., The Hill reports.

"The press has a lower approval rating than Congress," Trump told they crowd. "They’re scum. They're horrible people. They are so illegitimate. They are just terrible people."

Trump immediately backtracked a bit, sounding a little like his June announcement speech where he railed against Mexico sending it's criminal element into the United States before adding, "some, I assume, are good people."



  1. These types of statements will cost him dearly , I did believe he had a chance in the beginning . He should be aggressive but a little more soft spoken and clear on what ever he says , before he says it.
    Most of us know the media is bad and biased , maybe he should let his phrases be questions at times . This works very well.
    The media is just looking to kill anyone with sensationalizing , it pays their salaries . The weather channel has stooped to this agenda also .

  2. Unless you are a democrat.

  3. 5:59

    what part of his statement should he tone down?

    soft spoken?? Donald Trump??

    i'm voting for him, just because he's no coward.

    maybe you should vote for someone a little meeker.

  4. 10:28 Yep, he's not a coward, unless he wants to build a parking lot where your home is. Then he goes back room with a politicians, greases his pockets, and viola... your home is now blacktop. Voters are complete morons and deserve everything coming your way.


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