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Thursday, October 15, 2015

Democrats Are Starting To Line Up Against Obama’s Clean Power Plan

Obama’s Clean Power Plan (CPP) is facing some opposition from his own party in Kentucky and Missouri. The ambitious green energy plan aims to cut greenhouse gas emissions by at least 30 percent from 2005 levels by 2030. It’s a regulatory nightmare that will hurt millions of Americans, especially those in rural areas and living on fixed-incomes. It will impact Americans’ electrical costs, and possibly gut millions of jobs within the black and Hispanic communities. Also, states that didn’t vote for Obama in 2012 are disproportionately impacted. In Missouri, the Clean Power Plan was projected to cost the state $6 billion by 2030, which is why Attorney General and Democratic gubernatorial candidate Chris Koster has planned to join other states suing to block these regulations
The state’s utilities, including Ameren Missouri, had urged Koster to jointhe states — most of them Republican-led — fighting the rules. Koster, the only Democrat running for governor in Missouri, has sued the EPA over other recent regulations, including the controversial “Waters of the U.S.” rule strongly opposed by large agricultural interests.
Koster made the announcement Friday in a speech at a meeting of rural electric cooperative members in Branson. He argued that the state’s businesses rely on lower-cost energy and costs would rise under the EPA’s rules, which would shift Missouri’s heavy reliance on coal power to renewables and natural gas.
“The EPA’s Clean Power rule effectively eliminates Missouri’s competitive advantage as a low energy-cost state,” Koster said according to a transcript of his speech released Friday.


  1. You know it's gotta be bad when the other dumbocrats line up against it!

  2. lining up to oppose Obama ...is simply lining up to be bought ..Congress's MO with him is to come out against him then after the wheels are greased... the Emperor gets what he wants

  3. Renewable energy does not help the environment because it requires another energy source for backup 100% of the time. I cannot afford to pay $650 per month for electricity.

  4. Ahh!! Election season. Where politicians will lie, beg and steal to get a vote. Then they will be all for it when they get back in office.


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