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Saturday, October 10, 2015

County approves $662K spend on replacement cars

As part of its annual budgeting and procurement processes, Worcester County purchases a number of vehicles to replace or augment its existing fleet.

This year, the Worcester County Commissioners agreed to a total expenditure of $662,000 for this equipment, which is about $11,400 over budget.

That department will use savings in fuel expenses to make up the shortfall between the actual and budgeted amounts, attributed to the Worcester County Sheriff’s office.

The sheriff’s office requested five vehicles: one full-size SUV 4x4, one unmarked full-size SUV 4x2 and three full-size police pursuit SUV 4x2s at a budgeted amount of about $165,400. The low bids for this equipment totaled nearly $177,000.



  1. They can save some money by buying a 2wd instead of a 4wd that they don't need.

  2. This is ridiculous!

  3. The sheriff’s office requested five vehicles: one full-size SUV 4x4, one unmarked full-size SUV 4x2 and three full-size police pursuit SUV 4x2s


    This is asinine!! When it snows they are going to wish they had those 4x4's!!

    1. 4x4's are for off roadin or for people who don't know how to drive. Presumably the police know how.

    2. And you say there isn't a lot of property in Worcester County that is off road? You are a special kind of idiot!!

    3. Amazing that for years game wardens got around on those same off roads without 4 wheel drive but the sheriff needs one. Seems to me you're the idiot.

  4. Maybe they should just learn to drive in the snow and use snow chains. Alaska state troopers drive 2 wheel drive patrol cars all year long.

    1. Is this Alaska? Another apecial kind of Stupid!!

  5. Name callers are just people that cannot form a thought to frame a debate around.

  6. Who cares get them what they need. They are practical compared to Chargers and Crown Vics. Hold up better and when there is an issues with weather you have them. Common sense goes a long way.


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