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Friday, October 30, 2015

Coach On Leave for Praying Attends Game, Prays With Spectators

A Washington state high school football coach placed on paid administrative leave for saying postgame prayers with his players attended his former team's game Thursday night and prayed with spectators.

Bremerton High School assistant coach Joe Kennedy spoke to the media at halftime of the game and called watching from the bleachers, "one of the hardest things I’ve done."

"I’m not used to being on this side," Kennedy said. "I’m used to being beside [the players], listening to them." Kennedy added that it hurt his heart that the controversy had reached the point where "his guys are in the locker room and I've got to be out here."

Bremerton School District officials put Kennedy on leave late Wednesday because they did not want to be seen as endorsing religion. They claimed that they had warned Kennedy several times that he could not pray with players on the field after games.

Former players described the prayers as part of their postgame routine.

"It was never like we were forced to pray with him," former player Skyler Mullins told Q13Fox. He never said, 'Let’s go pray' or anything like that. We all just took it upon ourselves."



  1. But Muslims can wash there feet in basins in public schools ?
    Thanka Obama.

  2. and they can make briefcase bombs and say it was a clock...

  3. He is there to coach a football game, not conduct church services or a prayer meeting.

  4. 11:58AM it's painfully obvious that you have NFI of the passionate emotion within team competitions.

  5. 11:58, I know it's a shock to some, but there are people who make prayer a part of their daily lives, not just at church. The team was not forced to pray. It should be respected as a choice they make. People get all crazy when someone prays but they don't care what movies they go see, what grocery store they shop at, where they buy their gas, etc. Why do other's decisions bother people so much? It's called freedom! As long as it's not against the law, people should leave each other alone....

  6. Soo...the Satanist group didn't think the Christians should pray in public. Why would they ask if they could do an "invocation"?

  7. Oh sure 12:26 some high school kid who wants to please his coach doesn't feel intimated to participate in group prayer?
    It is personal you don't force it on students. Sorry your numbers shrink everyday but this is not how to recruit for your believes.


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