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Friday, October 02, 2015

Bill Clinton calls Donald Trump 'fact-free'

Bill Clinton called out Donald Trump on Tuesday, saying the Republican presidential candidate's statements about his wife, Hillary Clinton — including that she was "perhaps the worst secretary of state in history" — are "fact-free."

"You know, if he becomes the nominee, he'll have to sort of hone his criticisms a little more finely because the facts will be easy to marshal," Clinton told CNN's Erin Burnett. "But you know, he's good at this, that's what he does. And the people that he is telling it to now basically have only heard that story, so they believe it and it's probably good politics for him." Clinton cited his wife's ability to get Russia and China to agree to impose sanctions on Iran before the nuclear deal negotiations as a sign Trump is wrong. "Even the Republicans admit that the sanctions on Iran were well done," he said. Also, he added, Trump "told me what a good job [Hillary Clinton] did in the Senate for New York after 9/11."



  1. I'll take fact free over a liar.

  2. Clinton the rapist...LOL

  3. Bill doing what he does best -- covering his and Hillary's asses.

  4. Hillary has no plan for the country,just advance her family's power and influence.

  5. She killed Americans in Benjazi and her husband killed 17 sailors in the attack on the U S Naval ship. Good Pair.

  6. Lets see what other Sec of State had an Ambassador killed on her watch and let it happen .and also his protectors
    Tell Bill there are plenty of facts if he quits looking down his nose.

  7. It's rather ironic that the world's greatest liar has the audacity to call anyone fact free. Unbelievable psychotic and arrogant, but you gotta just laugh it off or it will make you mad as hell. It's just old bill doing what he does best.

  8. my mother taught me to "consider the source"

  9. I look at the Clintons more as entertainment then anything else. I believe nothing either says and truly enjoy that MSM airs their show daily.

  10. perfect example of "the pot calling the kettle black". hmmmmm

  11. Has anyone noticed since he has returned how frigging old he is looking now? Baggy eye lids, skin wrinkling up. Pathetic looking. Needs another Havana cigar.


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