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Thursday, October 15, 2015

Bernie Won All the Focus Groups & Online Polls, So Why Is the Media Saying Hillary Won the Debate?

What the public wants out of a candidate and what the beltway press wants appear to be two entirely different things.

Who “won” a debate is inherently subjective. The idea of winning a debate necessarily entails a goal to be achieved. What this goal is, therefore, says as much about the person judging its achievement as the goal itself. Pundits are ostensibly supposed to judge whether or not a candidate said what "the voters” want to hear. But what ends up happening, invariably, is they end up judging whether or not the candidate said what they think voters wanted to hear. This, after all, is why pundits exist, to act as a clergy class charged with interpreting people’s own inscrutable opinions for them. The chasm between what the pundits saw and what the public saw was even bigger than usual last night.

Bernie Sanders by all objective measures "won" the debate. Hands down. I don’t say this as a personal analysis of the debate; the very idea of "winning" a debate is silly to me. I say this because based on the only relatively objective metric we have, online polls and focus groups, he did win. And it’s not even close.



  1. Because that is what the media and the democratic party does. Lie!!

  2. As far as I'm concerned:

    1. We do care about Hillary's E-Mails - convict her with more evidence than what was used against General Petreaus!

    2. Jim Webb was the only one there with military experience - which should be a prerequisite to be commander in chief!

    3. Politicians should lead by example - give up their armed guards before asking citizens to give up theirs!

    4. The climate is changing - all by itself...no we shouldn't pollute intentionally...but we shouldn't stop living either. Mother nature can clean up quite a bit if we let her!

    5. Giving stuff to illegal aliens while allowing our veterans to go homeless - just to get them to vote dumbocrat - is WRONG!

    The Republicans won that debate - if they choose to capitalize on what was said.

  3. Let's cut to the chase:the Bilderbergers say she won it so nothing else counts.They also say who gets elected in 2016.

  4. Same way they wouldn't even say Ron Paul's name in 2012. They are scared. 4th branch of the Government (media) controls them all.


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