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Thursday, October 22, 2015

Advisers Tell Ireton, Stay Away From Candidate Forums

While the rest of the Salisbury Candidates face the public in forums, Jim Ireton has refused to participate in the majority of forums with the exception of one, the NAACP Forum.

Last night SU held a forum that was covered live from WMDT and once again, Jim Ireton refused to attend or participate.

Many are saying Ireton's biggest fear is being asked, WHAT HAVE YOU ACCOMPLISHED AND WHAT ARE YOU MOST PROUD OF? 

At the liberty of putting words in Jim's mouth, selling Feldman's for $5,000.00. Selling the old Fire Station 16 for $75,000.00. Selling two large parking lots Downtown for $225,000.00. An increase in crime, (FACT) 45 robberies in 2014, 75 robberies in 2015, SO FAR. A trolley to help my friends increase bar business Downtown. I'll let you guys fill in the rest.

Clearly Jim Ireton is too arrogant to show ANY respect towards the voters and believes he has this election in the bag. I'm sure he'll be backed by the Coastal Association of Realtors because Jim has helped created thousands of homes onto the market while residents run for the hills, if they can. 

So when you go to the voting booth, keep all of this in mind and just vote for the other guy, period. NO ONE can be any worse then Jim Ireton, nobody. 


  1. My mother and father worked all their lives to pay for their home in Salisbury. Because of unexpected tax increases and other city increases they had to make the choice to sell their home. Raising my own family here we tried to help them but they were too proud. They lost so much money when they sold their home. If I see anyone running for council that is endorsed by that realtor association thing we will vote for the other person. My wife works in a salon and is telling every one the same thing.

    1. Good job ,word of mouth is EVERYTHING.

  2. NAIL in coffin for the Bury if Ireton is voted in then again you gotta love those Electronic voting machines.

  3. When you are a coward you hide. He's not afraid of the black community because he thinks they are stupid and he can control them and they dare not ask the hard questions so he's in safe territory. The real movers and shakers and those he can't fool he hides from. Just look how the NAACP backed away from the Lore Chambers firing. They wrote a letter and then......that's it. They disappeared. He probably told them to back off and being such good little servants they backed off. They need to start being leaders.

  4. I really think Jimbeau is losing it again. He has missed a couple of events and the Salisbury University Forum was the most important one. The only one he attended was the NAACP Forum and he was ready to bail out then.

    If he gets elected you will see him quit again. This guy is a ticking time bomb. He wants to be somebody and he bailed out on mayor because he knows Jake would spank him. If he gets elected he will demand to be the President of the Council.

    My guess is that Jim gets elected and ends up quitting and leaving the city high and dry.









  5. I really think Jimbeau is losing it again. He has missed a couple of events and the Salisbury University Forum was the most important one. The only one he attended was the NAACP Forum and he was ready to bail out then.

    If he gets elected you will see him quit again. This guy is a ticking time bomb. He wants to be somebody and he bailed out on mayor because he knows Jake would spank him. If he gets elected he will demand to be the President of the Council.

    My guess is that Jim gets elected and ends up quitting and leaving the city high and dry.









  6. I was a friend of Jim Ireton's and even helped him win his election. There were so many promises and then he F**KED me over. It cost me thousands of dollars and then my job. I will be voting for Roger Mazzulo and I will be writing him several checks to help his campaign. I have signs in my yard and I will be doing some sign waving for him on election day. Jim Ireton I hope this is the last we see of you. You and the Chicken Lady are toast!

  7. At the NAACP Forum Jim Ireton bragged about the city being 47% minority and he bragged that increase was all because of HIM!

    Jim Ireton also bragged that by the year 2020 the City of Salisbury will be a minority majority and he and Jake Day both said they are proud of that. WTF!

    When you think of minority majority cities what do you think of? Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore! Is that what you want? What ever happens in the City of Salisbury affects everyone who lives in the County. That's right, you will be paying higher taxes for crime and paying the entitlement crowds that come here all because of Jim Ireton.

    Seriously is that what we want? Salisbury to be a minority majority city? They have been breeding like cock roaches and coming here because of ECI! You people better wake up and get active in the Salisbury City Election. And after this election you people better try your best to get Jake Day and Laura Mitchell out of there.

  8. Homes are burglarized daily in Salisbury and zero mention is made of it.No processed fingerprints that I am aware of & very little dusting done.If drawing unnecessary attention is the problem possibly contacting an outside agency would work.When a home is broken into and door kicked in the owner deserves to have a proper investigation done.

  9. Is he even trying to run? See any of this signs around? Doesn't even show up at events, the man drinks too much.

  10. mr. heath is also endorsed by that realtor assoc. look at the flyer...coastal ,i believe.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Homes are burglarized daily in Salisbury and zero mention is made of it.No processed fingerprints that I am aware of & very little dusting done.If drawing unnecessary attention is the problem possibly contacting an outside agency would work.When a home is broken into and door kicked in the owner deserves to have a proper investigation done.

    October 22, 2015 at 3:18 PM

    That is correct. My car and my neighbors home were broken into within a couple of months apart. No fingerprint dusting was done. Proves they don't want to work on the case to catch the criminal.

    My neighbors house was broke into. Front door and back door attempted to kick in about 20 times. Window broke out of the door and the cops never dusted. Never took pictures, never looked at the foot prints on the door and get this, they never even went in the house. Didn't even try to contact the home owner, just left one of those lame flyers in the door that pretty much say if you don't here from us this will be forgotten. Just another way of saying crime is down in Salisbury.

  12. Anonymous said...
    mr. heath is also endorsed by that realtor assoc. look at the flyer...coastal ,i believe.

    October 23, 2015 at 8:18 AM

    What a shame!

    Vote Tim Spies!


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