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Friday, September 25, 2015


Let’s Move! Active Schools, a sub-initiative of First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! initiative, has honored Westside Intermediate School in Hebron with the Let’s Move! Active Schools National Award for 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 for its outstanding efforts in creating an active school environment.

The award celebrates a school’s commitment to integrating at least 60 minutes of physical activity before, during and after the school day. Only 525 schools across the country achieved this prestigious honor. Westside Intermediate received a banner, certificate, and congratulatory letter from the First Lady to proudly showcase its school-wide dedication to improving children’s health and academic performance.

“As the principal of Westside Intermediate School, I am very pleased with the support from parents, students and staff who helped to make the Grab and Go Breakfast Program, Directed Play and Brain Break activities a success for all students,” said Westside Intermediate Principal Jason Miller. “As a result of these initiatives, students were more focused on the importance of healthy eating and increasing their physical activity to improve their overall academic success and physical well-being. We’re going to continue with last year’s focus to make Westside Intermediate School a Healthy, High-Achieving School. Already this year, we’ve started Workout Wednesdays, with students arriving before school to participate in fitness activities like cross country that will give them a boost for the day.”



  1. Funny we used to call this recess

  2. Just what is a sub-initiative program created by Michelle Obama? It surely can't be anything important or worthwhile.

  3. LOL!! 3:17 I was thinking the same thing!!! Anything with the Obama name attached to it can't be GOOD!! Feel sorry for our future!!


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