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Friday, September 18, 2015


U.S. Navy Secretary announces both the Navy and the Marine Corps will now allow women to hold any job they offer

Integration of the sexes in the U.S. Armed Forces took a giant leap as U.S. Navy Secretary Ray Mabus announced both the Navy and the Marine Corps will now allow women to hold any job they offer.

The move comes after a series of measures by top U.S. military officials to study how such integration could be possible. U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter called for a reviews of integration obstacles by October 1.

One study conducted by the Marine Corps compared combat units with female members to combat units with all-male teams, and claimed units with female members suffered more injuries, and under-performed in speed and accuracy.

Secretary Mabus criticized the the study a few days prior to the announcement, saying proper leadership and training could close any gap indicated in the study, and maintains there will be no exceptions for either branch.

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  1. "Going down", in the Navy will have a whole new meaning now!

  2. Secretary Mabus is full of it. You just can"t fix stupid or
    politically correct speech.

  3. When in the Navy we had the very first females on board. Nine woman with 500 men out at sea for 8 months. Seven out of the nine were knocked up. Believe it or not don't care.

  4. I was in the Navy, too, in 1979,when females were first taken aboard our ship as enlisted crew members. There were twelve in the first year. Eight of them became pregnant within a year and were transferred to shore commands or got out of the Navy entirely.

  5. Hay, I was told when I enlisted "Join the Navy and ride the Waves", and we did, they got pregnant and sent home.

  6. When women were first integrated in to non-administrative positions in the Marine Corps - they ended up taking all of the stateside billets - leaving the male Marines to serve out the unit rotations - really sucked if you wanted to be with family!

    Now we've shown that the readiness level will not be as high as before and Mabus wants to do it anyway.

    Obumbler and his appointees are really trying to destroy this country - with their lack of common sense!!!


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