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Thursday, September 17, 2015

Three-fourths of Ohio Obamacare enrollees are on Medicaid

For every Ohioan who has paid an Obamacare exchange premium, three have been added to Medicaid under Gov. John Kasich’s Obamacare expansion.

As of June 30, only 188,223 Ohioans had selected and paid for a health insurance plan through HealthCare.gov. Enrollment in Kasich’s Obamacare expansion was 609,373 in June.

Obamacare expansion put working-age adults with no kids and no disabilities on Medicaid — a welfare program meant for children, impoverished families, the elderly and the disabled.

If Kasich had opted out of Medicaid expansion, taxpayers would be stuck with the tab for fewer than 200,000 subsidized Obamacare insurance policies. Instead, Ohio’s total Obamacare enrollment is nearly 800,000.



  1. That's ALL this BS is. Another entitlement program disguised as a health care program. The only difference is working people are paying for the entire thing. While the government pays nothing.

  2. And you are surprised by this? All working folks are getting crushed by this. Benefits continue to go down while cost goes up with no end in sight. That is not how things are supposed to work in a capitalistic society. Another crowing achievement by our first token black president.


  3. " Another crowing achievement by our first token black president"

    If the absolute truth be told, with no sugar coating, there isn't one black run country in the whole world that is self sufficient. All depend heavily on money from the US and European nations. They would not exist if not for other countries giving them money. All are lawless too. I'm not being racist I'm stating facts.

  4. Some of us get it but the democrat don't and never will. They are not the brightest or the honest bulbs in the pack so to speak. With 6 million more people in poverty since obama took office speaks entirely for itself. The black communities being the ones hit the hardest and this goes directly to above comment. Blacks have to learn to vote with their brains instead of blindly following along. They need look no further then the chaotic messes that are the African countries.
    They were on the right track for awhile several generations ago but now seem willing to want to revert back to a 3rd world country like those in Africa.

  5. Liberals are leeches sucking the life blood from our country.


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