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Thursday, September 10, 2015

Second Hearing In Freddie Gray Case: What You Need To Know

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — All eyes will be on a Baltimore court room Thursday as a judge decides whether the trials for the six officers accused in the Freddie Gray case should stay in Baltimore or be moved to another county in the state.

Derek Valcourt has the decision facing the judge.

Attorneys for all six officers accused in the April death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray plan to argue round-the-clock news coverage of Gray’s arrest and death, the riots that followed and extensive reporting on the six officers accused will make it impossible for the defendants to get a fair and unbiased jury in Baltimore.

“The defense is worried—not unreasonably—that a Baltimore City jury would either be inclined to find guilt or would be scared of the result if they voted not guilty,” said Andrew Levy.

The potential for more riots and violence may not be a factor in Judge Barry Williams’ decision—but protestors warn it may be a reality.



  1. I don't think anyone wants that circus to come to town. Not much left here to loot, for one thing.

    And Mike Lewis won't give them space to play that game, homies.

  2. They should move the case to Wicomico County. They could get a fair trial here.

    1. Lol full of thugs.

    2. I bet 3 blacks go free and the 3 whites get found guilty.

  3. 8:03 - the defendants would get a 'fair' trial - but the state won't!

  4. Yes the state most certainly would get a fair trial here, 8:23.
    Just because YOU and your circle can't grasp how the system works and are void of all moral qualities and honesty doesn't mean the rest of us are. Unlike yourself and obviously those you associate with most of us respect the justice system and will do whats best based on evidence as opposed to some pretend vendetta against LE.
    It should not stay in Baltimore. Every reasonable person can see those people have no regard for laws. Just the way they are killing each other off with guns, guns that they aren't allowed to have by law. Just the way they looted and pilfered which they are set to do again just waiting for the excuse. They have shown to be so uncivilized that there is no possible way they have the intellect to grasp complicated court proceedings. Most can barely speak English. The list is endless but the bottom line is the residents of Baltimore aren't capable of (both intellectually and morally) deciding this case.

  5. Take it to the furthest Western MD outbacks, maybe they can get a fair trial there.

  6. But....all courts agree, 8:23. If you are going to err, err on the side of the people on trial. When you err on the side of the government you have tyranny.

  7. 9:37 No sense trying to explain to these low information types. They have been so dumbed down and have no clue. You add to the dumbed 'downness' the fact that they ARE void of any moral values and the results are what is going on in every single ghetto in the country. Lawlessness and chaos-killing each other off in record numbers.
    The major problem is the black communities really have NO true religious leaders. 99.9 percent of them are fakes and not real Christians and this is what is making God very very angry and He's sending Sodom and Gomorrah to the American Ghetto. It's a shame most aren't swift enough and moral enough to do something about it.


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