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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Rep. Elijah Cummings Speaks About His Political Future

Rep. Elijah Cummings spoke with the media Monday to address inquiries about his political future.

Cummings' office released the following statement Monday afternoon:

"I am honored and deeply humbled by the outpouring of support and good will for my work on behalf of our community, and I appreciate all of the interest in my future plans. At this time, however, I am focused on my work in Congress, not on campaigning.

"I love what I do -- and I love the people for whom I work. It is a great privilege to be able to work hard, every day, for my neighbors on the critical challenges central to their lives – their jobs and the education of their children, their health care and housing, their safety, and their fundamental rights as citizens of the greatest democracy in the world.



  1. This POS waste of oxygen needs to retire!
    He doesn't realize how much he is contributing to the POSOTUS destruction of the country agenda!

  2. This old codger has outlived his usefulness. GO AWAY!

  3. Race baiter,pro black anti white.

  4. All he cares about are blacks i think its about time whites start just cating about whites?

  5. 9:05 - he has NEVER had any usefulness!

  6. Oh he's done just so well for his district. Filthy crime ridden, poverty stricken cess pools. He's just as nasty as those who vote for him. They are too damn stupid to see the depths of hell on earth that their "leaders" that they elected, have taken them. Let them wallow in it and drown.

  7. He's a Democrat which means he's a liar.

  8. I use to be a Dem not anymore.


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