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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Refugees Pose As Syrians

At Budapest’s Keleti Train Station last week, Mahmoud, a Syrian from Aleppo, looked around the underground concourse packed with new arrivals like himself. Judging from their accents and dialects, he reckoned that little more than 10 percent of them were Syrian. But he saw many more passing themselves off as Syrians.

Indeed, during his journey through Greece and the Balkans on his way to Hungary, “I found a bunch of Iraqis buying fake Syrian passports,” said Mahmoud, adding that now Syrians “are worried that their passports are being stolen.” Nearby, a countryman furtively showed his passport, tucked between the sole and padding of one of his sneakers.

As Europe moves to take in large numbers of refugees, particularly from Syria, some other migrants—often Iraqis, Libyans, Palestinians and Egyptians—are attempting to pass themselves off as Syrian, said aid workers, government officials and fellow migrants.



  1. This 'refugee' barrage is actually a big scam.
    They are doing it because it is working.

  2. 2/100 are ISIS Terrorists.
    Europe will be getting attacked a lot more exactly what obama wants.islam everywhere.

  3. 98/100 are ISIS terrorists, what are you smoking, 6:37?

  4. If Islam is so great, why are they piling into non-Muslim countries?

    Oh wait....domination by sheer numbers.

  5. Excellent question 4:26.The Muslim countries were probably the first to slam the door shut truth be known.


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