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Thursday, September 17, 2015

Prominent Rabbi: 'Kim Davis Is Literally the Flag and Banner-Carrier for God'

(CNSNews) – Yehuda Levin, an Orthodox Jewish rabbi and spokesman for the 850-member Rabbinical Alliance of America, said the arrest and imprisonment of Kentucky clerk Kim Davis because she refused to issue gay “marriage” licenses was “an example of homo-fascist bullying,” and added that “we are jealous, jealous of Kim Davis” because of the “spiritual bounty” she has earned.

Rabbi Levin also explained that given the gross immorality of the current culture and related problems – corruption, lawlessness, civil unrest – it is clear to him and people of faith that there is a “spiritual holocaust” going on in America and “we are in some sort of an era of the end times.”

“Kim Davis is literally the flag and banner-carrier for God on this issue,” said Rabbi Levin. “She’s head and shoulders above the rest and that’s why we have, in a positive sense, a jealousy with regard to her.”

Levin stressed that while he did not have authorization to speak on this issue on behalf of the Rabbinical Alliance, he was “loosely speaking” on behalf of the sentiments of “many, many hundreds of thousands of Orthodox Jews throughout North America and beyond.”

More here


  1. Here we go. Rabbi Levin studies his Torah too much. Huckabee studies his Bible too much. The Imam studies his Quran too much. And they all see death and damnation for those who don't repent. God is not scary but they are very scary.

  2. Another one who wants to turn the US into a theocracy.

  3. Very significant that an orthodox Rabbi is saying this.

    Fasten your seat belts.

  4. And let's make it a law that everyone has to have a beard like mine.


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