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Thursday, September 03, 2015

Prager: The Left Sees Only White Evil

In the past week, two television reporters in Roanoke, Va. — Alison Parker and Adam Ward — were murdered by a black man who hated whites, and a white police officer in Houston — Darren Goforth — was murdered by a black man. Neither crime has been labeled a hate crime. And no mainstream media reporting of the murders attributes either to race-based hate.

For the mainstream media, the Roanoke murders were committed by “a disgruntled former employee,” and regarding the Houston policeman, the media report that, in the words of The New York Times, “a motive for the shooting remained unclear.”

The disregard of anti-white hatred as the motive for blacks who murder whites even when the murder is obviously racially motivated comes from the same people who denied that the Islamist Nidal Hasan’s murder of 13 fellow soldiers at Fort Hood was religiously motivated. These people — all on the left — have an agenda: to deny black racism and Islamist-based violence whenever possible. Only white police and other white violence against non-whites is clearly racist — even when not.

Thus, President Barack Obama convened a “White House Summit on Countering Violent Extremism” rather than a “White House Summit on Countering Islamist Violence.” Though the summit was convened the month following the Islamist massacre of the Charlie Hebdo staff in Paris, the words “Islam,” “Muslim” and “Islamist” did not once appear in the White House’s 1,668-word fact sheet on the summit. The Obama administration went so far as to label Hasan’s murders of his fellow soldiers “workplace violence.”

More here


  1. I've been reading some of the "false flag" reports on the Virginia shooting. I'm not convinced that the left isn't playing us on this situation to promote racial divide and gun control.

  2. The whole of the racial tensions that are currently present started with the current administration. While there have always been tensions they have grow expediently since January 2009.

  3. Nothing new. Back in the late 60s and 70s the whites were locked up fighting blacks because the whites paid fines to get their kids out of jail. The blacks have been crying about not having money for decades. No shame in their game.

  4. Hard to believe Prager doesn't know this was a false flag for gun control.


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