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Tuesday, September 01, 2015

O’Malley blasts Wasserman Schultz in front of DNC meeting

A feud within the Democratic Party spilled into the open Friday at the Democratic National Committee’s summer meeting in Minneapolis, as presidential candidate and former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley used his speech to the convention to publicly chide DNC leaders for limiting the number of presidential debates.

Mr. O'Malley said that DNC officials had not only silenced debate among Democratic candidates but silenced the party’s ability to respond to Republican presidential candidates, whose recent TV debate reached more than 20 million Americans.

“They malign our president’s record of achievement, they denigrate women and immigrant families. They doubled down, on trickle down, and they tell their false stories,” he said. “And, we respond — with crickets, tumbleweeds, a cynical move to delay and limit our own party debates.”

He questioned what was becoming of the Democratic Party and the way it selects its presidential nominee.

Mr. O'Malley’s criticism of his party officials was greeted with applause and cheers from the crowd of state party chairman in the ballroom of the Hilton Minneapolis.

DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz has suffered a fierce backlash from the state party leaders who make up the DNC membership over her imposing strict limits on the number of debates. But Mr. O'Malley’s speech in front of the DNC membership was the most public rebuke yet.

Ms. Wasserman Schultz, who has allowed for only six debates with the first one postponed until October, has been accused of trying to benefit Hillary Rodham Clinton, the front-runner for the nomination who would have the most to lose on a debate stage.

Ms. Wasserman Schultz also has threatened that any candidate or media outlet that participates in debates outside the official schedule will be banned from the remainder of the party-sanctioned debates in 2016.

Some state party officials privately confronted Ms. Wasserman Schultzearlier at the meeting, but she refused to consider making changes, saying her decision was final, according to sources familiar with the exchange.

“Four debates. Four debates?” Mr. O'Malley asked with incredulity. “Four debates, and four debates only we are told, not asked before the voters in our earliest states make their decision. This is totally unprecedented in our party history. This sort of rigged process this has never been attempted before.”

The diatribe was punctuated by enthusiastic applause from DNCmembers.

He continued: “Who’s decree is this exactly? Where did it come from? To what end? For what purpose? What national or party interest does this decree does this serve? How does this tell the story of the last eight years of Democratic progress? How does this promote our Democratic ideas for making wages go up and household incomes go up again, instead of down?”



  1. Well, when there are virtually no candidates, whaddyaexpect? Of course, Owemalley considers himself a candidate. He hasn't observed any poll numbers. Obviously.

  2. Good. Let the trash turn on each other.

  3. Owe'Malley is a failed politician.

  4. He actually said that Obama had a "record of achievement"? Please show me the list.

  5. Where was that bravery when the Blacks Lives Matter crowd kicked him off stage and then he ended up apologizing for saying All Lives Matter. Pathetic.

  6. 11:56:
    that "bravery" only shows when he argues with a woman...sexist pig that he is.


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