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Friday, September 25, 2015

‘Oh My God’: Family Wants Public to Watch Disturbing Video of Their Son Dying in Police Custody After Being Jailed for Unpaid Traffic Ticket

After he failed to pay a careless driving ticket, police caught up with 32-year-old David Stojcevski last year and brought him in for obstruction of justice.

Not having the money to pay the $772 fine, a judge ordered him to jail for 30 days.

But Stojcevski died in his jail cell while a video camera rolled.

The 11 days of footage showed the Roseville, Michigan, man in a high-observation cell behaving erratically, exhibiting extreme weight loss — he lost 50 pounds during that stretch — and convulsing on the cement floor during his final two days of life.



  1. This seems nothing short of a slow murder.

  2. Just pay the fine and obey the law. None of this would have happened if this guy was a lawful citizen . What do you expect , a room at the Hilton with maid service.

    1. your rude. Not everyone has money to pay the courts rediculous fees. He probably does obey the law just didn't have money to pay the crap. Don't make a joke about wanting a Hilton room you jerk. Someone died...

  3. 7:32 Sure just pay the fine. It says careless driving. That could mean just about anything. It's probably something you are guilty of as well. Yet the cops seem to thinks its funny to tack on all these other fines to make the fine larger. I think they get their jollies that way. A 700 dollar fine. Many people can't afford food yet the police think they have 700 dollars to spend on a fine. So they issue these huge fines. They can't afford a lawyer so they lose their license and can't work and in turn have to go on welfare just to survive. I think all the cops are in with the government and trying to force everyone onto assistance.

    An animal would have been treated better than this guy was treated in jail. I hope the mother sues and gets a hefty amount due to the negligence of the police. I only wish it came out of their pockets instead of the tax payers

  4. The problem is that what is in their pockets already came from we the taxpayers.

  5. You should watch John Olivers HBO show from Sept 13. he did a piece on public defenders. Pretty eye opening

    And 7:32am you comments is spoken like a true no it all who knows nothing.

  6. The guy was white so nobody cares. No media coverage.

  7. Very misleading title. This defendant was sitting in a jail cell for nearly two weeks. Police custody makes it sound like he was in handcuffs in the backseat of a police car. The truth is in the details.
    Giovanni Jones

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Very misleading title. This defendant was sitting in a jail cell for nearly two weeks. Police custody makes it sound like he was in handcuffs in the backseat of a police car. The truth is in the details.
    Giovanni Jones

    September 26, 2015 at 11:36 AM

    I never thought that after reading the title.

  9. First of all driving is not a right....he broke the law and decided not to pay the fine.....did drugs.....all self inflicted.......he chose to not eat while in jail......moral of the story.........OBEY the law and this won't happen to you.......stay away from drugs and this won't happen to you.........blaming others.........typical

  10. 4:02
    How about blaming the jail staff for not doing their job? He was under their care. They failed him whether he did right or wrong before he got there.


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