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Friday, September 18, 2015

OC Bike Week In Full Swing

I made a couple road trips today to and from Ocean City and let me tell you, there are bikers everywhere. I did find my experience a bit disturbing this year as many bikers were taking up both lanes in masses and only doing 55 mph, as shown in the above picture. No one was willing to move over and even though I too am a rider, I respect other people on the road and move over.

Coming in to Ocean City, (first picture) traffic was backed up into Berlin but is moving along with no problem. 

Please be aware of the bikers on the road and please look twice before you pull out onto any road. Remember, they bring in MILLIONS of revenue throughout the entire Shore and they'll be on their way home in two days. 


  1. I just came from Dewey where there is already a biker down just south of town. As I was moving slowly past the scene, a biker first came up on my left then moved to the right and passed me on the shoulder. Impatient and not wearing a helmet either.

  2. The great part of your story is "they will be on their way home in two days." At stop lights they stop inches from my rear bumper. When meeting them on the highway they find it cute to ride the dividing line and play a game of chicken. Roaring their engines and dressing like a hell's angel is not appealing to non cycle people.

  3. Oh gee but I thought it was all us non bikers faults and they were little road angels. When I complained on the last post some troll made a snarky comment.
    Nice to be vindicated.

  4. I got stuck behind a rolling roadblock that refused to do more than 10 miles under the speed limit.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Oh gee but I thought it was all us non bikers faults and they were little road angels. When I complained on the last post some troll made a snarky comment.
    Nice to be vindicated.

    September 18, 2015 at 4:58 PM

    who says you are vindicated?

    anyway, even though traffic of all kinds is supposed to travel in the right lane, if they are going the speed limit, they are stopping others from breaking the law, i.e. speeding.

    you complain about them going too fast, you complain about them going too slow. you just like to complain.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I got stuck behind a rolling roadblock that refused to do more than 10 miles under the speed limit.

    September 19, 2015 at 12:34 AM

    the speed is legal but if on a two lane road they should move to the right.


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