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Thursday, September 03, 2015

Obama’s America: Christian gets sued for defending freedom of religion, while Muslim…

Certainly not news to anyone, but there’s a religious war being waged in our nation. As we’ve reported here many times, independent organizations, and even our own beloved government, are methodically working to eliminate symbols and mention of Christianity and the Judeo-Christian God from schools, the workplace and the military.

The Supreme Court decision to mandate same-sex marriage has only ratcheted up that war.

Recently, the ACLU filed a motion against Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis who refused to issue same-sex marriage licenses because, as an Apostolic Christian, she has a sincere religious objection. So she decided not to issue marriage licenses to any couple, straight or gay.



  1. but if youremuslin, you can object & get results if u claim to be offended by any Christian icons.

  2. This is all ridiculous. No one, gets special privileges because of their religion. Period. Find a different job. That goes for Christians, Muslims, or Pastafarians.

  3. Backlash against living under the thumb of Christian rule. No more special rights that are just for Christians.

  4. 7:42...if you haven't figured out by now that they do, you must be living under a rock! On the other side, why didn't they just go see a different clerk and obtain what they wanted instead of showing this down our throat? IMO, most people could care less what you do as long as you don't force it upon us.

  5. I remember a few cases where muslims got special treament. Target a few years back put up signs on one of their checkouts banning people from using that checkout if they had any type of pork because the cashier was muslim. In Shelbyville, TN the Tyson food does not give people off for labor day anymore. Instead they get a day off for a muslim holiday.

  6. 12:34 They are tax payers in that county and should expect to obtain the services they pay for. The church pays zero and tries to influence public policies through one of their sheep.

  7. 1:39
    The church may not pay taxes as you say but how many homeless shelters, food pantries, hospitals and other things to HELP people do the LGBT community fund? How are they helping any community? They are not they are all looking for a get rich scheme.

  8. the marriage license is a legal document which has no bearing on the religious aspect.


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