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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Obama invites suspended Muslim teen to the White House

A Texas teenager who was suspended from school for bringing a homemade clock to class received a 21st century invitation from President Obama on Wednesday to visit the White House.

Instead of making a traditional phone call, Obama took to his personal Twitter account to invite Ahmed Mohamed, 14, of Irving, Texas, to show off the device at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

“Cool clock, Ahmed. Want to bring it to the White House? We should inspire more kids like you to like science. It's what makes America great,” the president tweeted.

Obama’s invitation placed him in the middle of a story that captured national attention and sparked a conversation about racial and ethnic profiling.

Mohamed, who is Muslim, was arrested by Irving police on Monday and suspended from MacArthur High School after teachers mistook his clock for a bomb.



  1. Whats one more Muslim in the white house gonna hurt.
    Can't respect the dead officers nation wide but can do this
    Must have reminded him of his son if he had one.
    Or he needed a little boy for entertainment.

  2. Interesting that the POSOTUS weighs in on this issue.....

    What if it had been a bomb?

  3. Trail run. Maybe he will demonstrate how it really works.

  4. This reminds me of how Obama reacted to that time a cop thought a black person was trying to rob his own home -- an understandable error in an attempt to protect the public, with no harm done. Bammy simply hates police because the arrest more blacks and non-whites than whites, and this incident confirms that.

    And the kid should not be praised for doing a dumb thing.

  5. It wasn't a bomb and a 14-year-old kid was arrested for building a clock by texas racists hillabillies Muhammad might be on the road to a great scientific career

  6. The problem arose when it beeped in English class and the teacher wanted to know what beeped in his backpack. Science teacher had told him not to let other teachers see it because they were not smart enough to know what it was. He was invited to science event at the white house as well as to several major companies.

  7. 8:03, If one of those Texas racist hillbillies { your words } had drawn a picture of a gun, and got suspended, would he get an invite to the White House? I'm sure this little future genius scientist meant no harm. Common sense should apply as long as it applies to everyone.
    P.S - If I were you, rethink Texas as a place you might want to visit.

    1. 803 is just another uneducated eastern shores libitard who things the world I'd wonderful and everyone loves everyone.

  8. 8:15 - meaning it could just as easily have been an explosive device.....his packpack wasn't checked?

  9. 8:23 - you are spot-on. Thank you!

  10. The student was more than suspended. According to the story, he was arrested by Irving police
    I stay far away from texas--they're way too reckless and way too many hillabillies

    sounds like you're hating because the student got a white house invite, I saw MIT said that's the kind of students they want too

  11. Look at the bright side, maybe he will bring it to the white house, this time with the missing components. Win Win!

  12. 8:41 Try reading an article or news report. He had shown it to the science teacher earl;tier in the day. Science teacher knew what it was and that it was in the backpack. English teacher made the comment that it looked like a bomb. Take the housing off a microwave oven or a radio, could look like a bomb to an english teacher too.

    1. Another ignorant English teacher starting trouble instead of doing her job. I've noticed my entire life English teachers are nothing more than busy bodies, and water cooler rumor control junkies.

  13. Never did he invite Kris Kyle to the whitehouse.

  14. Now Obama could claim that if he had a son....half black, Muslim, named Mohamed. That would have a ring of truth.

  15. How many time have we been told "if you see something, say something."

    What if the teacher didn't say anything and it was a bomb?\

  16. If teachers are worried about something that beeps in your backpack, then what about all those cell phones that students are allowed to take to school now? That cell phone could be used to set off a bomb. Just saying....

  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The student was more than suspended. According to the story, he was arrested by Irving police
    I stay far away from texas--they're way too reckless and way too many hillabillies

    sounds like you're hating because the student got a white house invite, I saw MIT said that's the kind of students they want too

    September 17, 2015 at 9:12 AM

    MIT is a traitorist liberal college who is next in line to build a Sharia Center.

  18. Did the little boy with the poptart shaped as a gun get to go to the White House?
    No he did not. Could that poptart in anyway be used to hurt anyone? NOPE!
    Could this device 'clock' have been used to hurt someone? Yes it could have.
    Obama shows his true colors a little more every day. When will the sheep wake up!

  19. and the NRA wants to give teachers guns. HILARIOUS

  20. The clock was shown on the news, it had a pack of putty with wires coming out of it, simulating an explosive, this is ok though because he is black I guess.

  21. Y'all just upset because your children can barely read or count and this kid is smarter than all of you.

    1. Not even close. Taking a perfectly good, working old digital clock out of the case and sticking it in a pencil case, then trying to claim you "made a clock", is like taking a perfectly good television out of its case, attaching the innards inside a suitcase, and saying you "made a TV".

      Then again, with all the free loot he's scored from this escapade, he's sure got it down early.

  22. What's a good time in Texas? going to the hillabilly shooting range with an insane person reckless

  23. 8:23 I thought about the gun thing, too. I feel like the school let this young man down. No problem with investigating the device, but to arrest him was ridiculous. No surprise that the President seized an opportunity to make himself look good.

  24. Clock with computer circuits in a briefcase just might be a bomb

  25. If a white Christian had built the clock and been suspended, would Owebama have tweeted and invited him to the white house?

  26. The majority of people have no idea what a bomb looks like. All those wires and circuits needed by that kid to make a clock is a dead giveaway that it is not a bomb. You people watch way too much TV.

  27. 1:03 hit the nail on the head. And to the moron who said "MIT is a traitorist liberal college who is next in line to build a Sharia center," a) how in the hell does the political persuasion of the college being liberal make them traitorous and b) how in the hell does building a Muslim center make them traitorous? You realize we're not living in a Christian theocracy here, right? Then again, considering 1:03's correct characterization of this bunch, maybe you don't.

  28. Just don't bring a flag to school. Fake bomb are totally ok if your black.

  29. I bet this was all cooked up for the media attention.A planned stunt by the Muslim community to get attention.Damn I wish they would go back to Camel-humping land.

  30. Its funny since this kid is clearly far too intelligent and skilled to go to school in "da Bury" since our schools here are run by two extremes...either tea party nuts or ghetto sympathizers who have turned the schools into gang training centers.....that is why families in Salisbury who have kids usually leave before the kids reach middle school.....

    1. And yet your still here.Wow thanks for the enlightenment. COUGHING. I

  31. As it turns out, little Ahmed built neither a bomb nor a clock.

    He took the innards out of a working mid-1980's digital clock made by Radio Shack, and put it inside a small metal case, which he had to know looked like a bomb, at least on TV. Probably thought it was a cool thing to do, since that's what relatively bright, somewhat nerdy 14 year olds might do.

    That doesn't qualify as inventing anything.

    The teachers and police can't be faulted for not recognizing what a common store bought clock radio looks like inside. And the "bomb" lacked some very important elements to be even remotely similar to the most rudimentary bomb.

    There was no source of ignition, no trigger, no mechanism to arm it, and no explosive. Surely the electronics teacher would have recognized this? At least recognized the circuit board was obviously an ancient one? The Micronta emblem is clearly visible. If he thought it was a real bomb, I doubt he would have handed it back to the kid. So why didn't they ask the teacher?

    The kid is no menace, and no genius.

    But the kneejerk response is predictable from the fawning liberal Muslimophiles. An invite to the White House by Obama, hot on the heels of the "Black Lives Matter" scum, was to be expected. Surprising, though, that the tech industry didn't look a little closer before practically declaring him the next Politically Correct Prodigy.

    Several of the big Silicon Valley corporations have sent him invites to visit their corporate offices. Microsoft gifted him with a Surface Pro 3, a Microsoft Band, a 3D printer, an Office 365 subscription, and plenty more.

    MIT has all but rolled out the red carpet for him; a full ride scholarship is in the works for him. He is the "kind of student we want at places like MIT".


    The kind of student who takes a pre-made, working device, crudely sticks it in a new case, and claims it as his own work? Perhaps that's how it's done in China. But it won't fly at a community college Intro to Electronics class, and it certainly won't at MIT.

    He is obviously a bright kid, with a healthy interest in education. I hope he makes the most of the opportunities he's being undeservedly handed. But I hope he quickly learns that the appearance of achievement is not enough, especially when you're passing off others' work as your own.

    Ahmet's upcoming White House invitation should clear the air, though.

    Obama: "You didn't make that!"

  32. Would Homeland security allow this clock on a plane?

  33. He never built a clock but took the guts from an old digital clock and placed them in a pencil case and said he built a clock ,He's a fraud.

  34. So if someones child puts kerosine in a bottle with a rag hanging out of the bottle will they be ok if they say it is just a candle?

    1. That is not relevant. He didn't make a bomb, he didn't even make a "clock" himself.

  35. What he made was a higher bar for questioning kids (muslims have NEVER used kids to carry bombs, so stop the hyperventilating over his
    "wires and circuits") who come to school with some "wires and circuits" that look suspiciously like a bomb.
    Did his parents see that and say "hey, looks good....make sure to throw a few allah akbar's in there, too!" But the kids with an American flag are suspended????
    So, the next kid, a REAL suicide bomber, goes right on to the center of the cafeteria because the teachers now don't want to be called "racist" for thinking a muslim kid with a box of wires hanging out of it is anything other than a budding mechanical engineer.
    Keep cheering!


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