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Sunday, September 20, 2015

NYPD Union Prez Patrick Lynch: Only Police Are Qualified To Judge The Actions Of Police

Citizens increasingly removed from decision making

As you’ve probably already heard, last week former tennis star James Blake was blitzed by an NYPD plain clothes officer in front of his hotel, tackled to the ground, and left cuffed there bruised and cut.

The officer in question thought he was brutalizing someone who had committed credit card fraud. In itself, this would be quite a problem, as credit card fraud isn’t the kind of crime that typically results in an NYPD beatdown. Except that James Blake is black. He’s also, as it turns out, not even the suspect this officer was supposed to be looking for. He just happened to fit the description. The NYPD has since apologized to him, an apology that one would hope was met with narrowed eyes and a defiant chin.

But you’ll never guess who isn’t apologizing. Actually, you probably will, because it’s NYPD Patrolemen’s Benevolent (hah!) Association President Patrick Lynch, who penned a letter to the media covering the story. Let’s just see how much we can get through this before we stop pretending like we’re dealing with a sane person, shall we?


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