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Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Missouri High School students stage walkout in dispute over transgender student

(KMOV.com) – More than 150 students walked out of Hillsboro High School over a dispute about the use of the girl’s locker room by a transgender student.

The walkout lasted for about two hours. Roughly 30-40 people showed support for senior Lila Perry, who wants to use the girls’ locker room during gym class. Perry was born a male but said she has identified as a female since 13.

“There’s a lot of ignorance, they are claiming that they’re uncomfortable. I don’t believe for a second that they are. I think this is pure and simple bigotry,” said Perry.

A short distance away, a counter protest was being held by people claiming they have relatives at the high school.



  1. Unbeleivable. This person can identify with whatever he wants. You still have a penis and that wont change. The girls at that school have every right to be pissed. But whats even more is that the school gave him a separate alternative but that was not good enough. So a news flash for all the trannies. Its not about your feelings, they are abnormal. Its about the other 99.9999% of the world and how they feel about it. Thats how it works. Thats how it will continue to work

  2. It time in this country when the majority are listened to and must leave the comfort of our homes and protest and challenge these left wing extremists.

  3. What is going to happen when one of these WARPED TRANSGENDERS decides that they want to use the penis that is hanging and rapes a FEMALE student in the locker room or the bathroom? What then?????????????

  4. The sex with which we identify is in our mind not as we physically appear. Intelligent educated people do more than wave their pitch folks.

  5. Can you elaborate 11:31? Cite scientific studies? Even if true what argument can you make that this is the right thing to do much much less does it make sense? If you think it is right, by what authority do you make this claim? What of the opinions and social codes of most of the rest of the world who reject this social experiment that is contrary to every civilization norm since pre history?

  6. i agree with 11:03 AM 100%!
    This is a new avenue that will lead to pedophilia Yes, it is probably incorrectly spelled, SORRY).
    The female students are protecting themselves, as should their parents, and the board of education.
    The peculiar student was given an alternative and should use that option, same with use of restrooms. If I were in a restroom and knew a male, and yes, that is what his penis says, I would be freaking out. Everyone would know there was a problem in that restroom!

  7. To12:26 from 11:31

    I am not going to spend my day looking up documentation and putting it on here for people who will never be convinced of anything different than they already believe. The material is out there and if you are open minded and sincere about learning more you have the opportunity.

    I once read about a civilization that threw all their blue eyed babies off a cliff. As a blue eyed person I am glad not to have been part of that bunch.

  8. Simply let the freak get naked in the girl's locker room then call the police and have him arrested for indecent exposure.

  9. I saw this on TV last night, and felt sick to my stomach. This person is a freak seeking some level of attention that it doesn't seem to be getting elsewhere. Under no circumstances should this person be allowed near the girls locker room. These kinds of people are so mentally screwed up, it is scary.


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