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Friday, September 18, 2015

Maryland doctor: The state should implement a mandatory flu vaccine for preschoolers in licensed facilities.

Maryland should implement mandatory influenza vaccination for children in licensed child care and preschool programs.

Influenza, a serious preventable viral disease that peaks in frequency during the winter season, is associated with high morbidity and mortality in younger children and the elderly. It is easily prevented through vaccination. Among all age groups, influenza infection rates are highest in pre-school and school-aged children. The Centers for Disease Control estimates that 20 percent to 50 percent of children under age 5 are infected with the influenza virus annually. Children also carry a higher viral load and stay contagious for longer time periods compared to adults. These findings have major public health implications, as the disease burden associated with influenza in children ultimately leads to a domino effect and can help cause an influenza epidemic.

The public health ramifications of an influenza outbreak are significant, resulting in huge social and economic burdens. In the United States, about 1 out of every 1,000 children infected with influenza annually is hospitalized. The CDC estimates that an average of 73 hours of work time is lost for caregivers of hospitalized children. One U.S. study demonstrated that for every 100 children followed during the influenza season, 28 developed influenza. This was associated with 68 missed school days, 20 missed work days by parents, and 22 transmissions of influenza to other household members. This translates to a high loss of productivity for children in terms of missed schoolwork and for adults in terms of missed work.



  1. If your on welfare yes if not no. If you can take care of your family without government assistance stay out of their lives.

  2. But if the other children have been vaccinated then how are they getting the flu?

  3. Big Pharma propaganda.
    Lets see how that works out and the side effects of more mandatory vaccines in 10 years.
    Lets screw with their brains during their growing years.
    This is just more, lead the sheeple to the trough and see how many line up because they told you too.
    Hitler would be proud.

  4. Absolutely NOT!
    I don't get flu vaccines and I feel sorry for the fools that do.

  5. Exactly 5:28!!! I've not had a flu shot in 25 years and I have no problems. You hear of all kinds of stories of botched dose, or contaminated giving kids GOD knows what.

  6. F no!!!!!
    I refuse to do this at work, hell if I will have them force this on my child!

  7. I 100% refuse these shots and no way in hell your gonna force my kids. They're my children. I decide whats best for them. Period!


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