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Friday, September 18, 2015

Martin O’Malley to Obama: 10,000 Syrian Refugees Not Enough

The U.S. should accept at least 65,000 Syrian refugees by the end of 2016, acceding to Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley. The former Maryland governor says President Obama’s move to accept 10,000 Syrian refugees next year is no more than “a token increase.”

In a letter to Obama Tuesday, O’Malley expressed disappointment at the levels the administration is moving to welcome.

“The images from Europe this month reminded the world that more than four million Syrians have been made refugees. Many governments are responding admirably by significantly increasing their refugee quotas to match the depth of the crisis,” O’Malley wrote.

“I appreciate your administration’s attention to this issue, but I was disappointed to learn that the United States would accept only 10,000 Syrian refugees next year,” he added.



  1. what is wrong with Owe Malley? is he brain dead, or just a freaking MORON!

  2. OweMalley is nuts, 10,000 is way too many, we should accept None.

  3. The answer is No more refugees.

  4. O'Malley must be crazy. He's lucky to have 1% in the polls.

  5. Can somebody just make this man go away.

  6. He can pay for them with the money he saved when he stole the furniture from the taxpayers of MD.


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