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Thursday, September 03, 2015

Lena Dunham: Justin Bieber's 'What Do You Mean' Reinforces Rape Culture

Dunham is referring to the song's chorus, in which Bieber sings, "What do you mean? / When you nod your head yes / But you wanna say no / What do you mean?"

Justin Bieber's new single, "What Do You Mean?" received plenty of hype before its Aug. 28 release, and now that the song is out, it's getting even more attention. One person who isn't so hot on the new track, though, is Lena Dunham.

The actress subtweeted her discomfort with the tune's lyrics on Monday, suggesting that "What Do You Mean?" alludes to rape culture and asking to discontinue the release of problematic songs like it.


  1. I heard it sung live on the music awards and then just heard it on the radio today and both really didn't sound good.

  2. I can't imagine Justin Bieber in any situation where this dialog would occur.

  3. I hate Justin Beiber, but I also hate when people make a mountain out of a mole hill. Sounds to me like Lena is trying to use Justin to gain some more attention.

  4. This is coming from the person who directed the HBO series "Girls" with an episode named "On All Fours" and also promotes sex in almost every episode. Get a grip lady.

    1. Don't forget she also admitted to molesting her younger sister while they were growing up. She is disgusting!

  5. I can't imagine anyone so desperate that they would even think of Lena Dunham in any sexual way......YUK!

  6. Is there a masculine form of the word "skank"?

  7. Girls may say "No", and shake their head, but in reality they want it just as much as us guys, so we just do it anyway.


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