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Thursday, September 03, 2015

Gun-firing Obama aide indicted for assault

A White House staffer reportedly so suspicious of her boyfriend’s fidelity she allegedly fired a gun in his direction has been indicted on assault charges.

Barvetta Singletary, 37, texted her boyfriend, who works for the U.S. Capitol Police, and asked him to come to her suburban Maryland home, where she then accused him of cheating on her with another woman, police said, the Hill reported.

She then allegedly took her boyfriend’s gun and cell phone and demanded to know his password, ostensibly to check his calling and texting history. And then she allegedly fixed the gun’s barrel on him, the Hill reported.

“You taught me how to use this. Don’t think I won’t use it,” she allegedly said, right before firing a shot into a can of soda about 10 feet from her, Fox News said.

The boyfriend, who wasn’t publicly named, fled the scene and called police.



  1. Typical obama supporters, no impulse control whatsoever.

  2. So, was "Barvetta" placed on paid administrative leave, like many of her "cousins" in government jobs after they are caught doing something heinous? Or did they fire her, like most of us would be, at the very hint of impropriety?


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