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Friday, September 25, 2015

Great lawn chemical debate: Md.’s pending legislation

Will Montgomery County vote lawn chemicals out?

The waiting will soon come to an end. The motion to restrict the use of chemical pesticides and herbicides on lawns in Montgomery County will be put to a final vote Oct. 6.

Is this a case of green lawns vs. browned-out blunders?

Some who oppose the proposed restrictions on the use of agricultural chemicals on lawns have attempted to frame the debate as “green grass with chemicals vs. brown grass without,” when nothing could be further from the truth.

The dirty little secret of lawn care is that having a green, healthy lawn has almost nothing to do with any kind of product — chemical or organic. As Bill Mollison, the founder of the popular permaculture movement, once remarked, “The problems of the world are increasingly complex, but the solutions remain embarrassingly simple.”

Cutting height is more important than chemicals

1 comment:

  1. While cutting height is more important than chemicals, to say a blanket 3" is the proper height is BS. It totally depends on the type of grass you have. Some should be cut as low as 1". The key is to never cut more than 1/3 of the height when you cut and insure the lawn gets at least 1/2" of water a week(1" a week in the spring).


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