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Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Dog killed, officer critically wounded after police respond to wrong house

It started with police going to the wrong house. It ended with a homeowner, an officer and a dog shot.

DeKalb County police were responding to a 911 call about a suspicious person Monday night, the Atlanta-area police department said.

But the caller didn't give an address for the house where the suspicious person was seen, county public safety director Cedric Alexander said. Instead, the caller described it as a gray-and-brick home.

So three officers went to a house that matched that description near the same intersection, Alexander said. He said they went to the back of a home where they thought a burglary might be occurring.



  1. Screen door unlocked ? Most are! House door as well? What you pigs get for trying doors and using the its unlocked we can come in line! You have no address,that means patrol! Start looking! Listen for people yelling or glass breaking. Not start seeing whis house it maybe and check houses that are unlocked. Then shooting the dog? Why? The home owner is the victim. Your not raising a perp! Idiots probably shot each other. I can say this. There would be a dead cop next to my dog!

  2. And rightfully so 8:09 AM...

    I shoot first and ask questions last, just like the cops do... but the difference is, I don't shoot innocent people... IF you step in my yard be ready to get shot... IF you are a cop and have a warrant, you best say warrant and police department or you will get shot too...

    That is why I like Indiana or which ever state it was... They passed a law that says anyone, cop or not illegally enters your house you can shoot them and not go to jail...

    This is needed in Maryland let alone the whole country...

    That is why you hear about the military getting shot at during their jade helm martial law training... You are illegally on the streets, and you are illegally entering peoples property and homes... You deserve to be shot at the least...

    1. It is allowed in every state. You'll pay hell getting to the supreme court but will ultimately win. Cops don't want us to know this and will be surely on here disputing it.

  3. When you give up your "inalienable" rights to bear arms and rely on the government to protect you this is what happens.


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