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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Davis: City Will Eventually Put Riots "In Rear View Mirror"

Baltimore's Interim Police Commissioner says at some point the city has to get the riots of late April and early May, "in their rear view mirror, and move forward."

Kevin Davis called into the Jimmy Mathis Show Sunday on WBAL.

Davis said that he remains committed to restoring the publics trust in the police department and supporting his officers, who face greater scrutiny in the wake of the April death of Freddie Gray.

Davis says his priority is "leading the rank and file of this agency, and letting them be the police officers the city needs them to be."



  1. Yeah like a vicious dog..... In the rear view chasing you down. Relentless and always there.

  2. The flag is down and the settlement made.What more do they have to riot about?

  3. Ho, they will riot again when none of the officers are convicted.

  4. They can start putting it behind them - when they elect people that care about growth - not their own agenda and reelection....

    1. That means they'll have to learn to look beyond the color of their own skin, and vote based on qualifications, integrity and track record. I won't be holding my breath though.

  5. Wishful thinking. Look in your future and you will see the same thing happening again.

  6. "in their rear view mirror, and move forward."

    You mean like not repeat the rioting and looting that took place in Baltimore when Martin Luther King was shot?

  7. It's true.

    The remaining taxpayers still in the city will flee, should the savagery continue. They'll be seeing it in the rear view mirror on their way out of Baltimore permanently.

  8. So will many businesses and people; that will be putting Baltimore in it's rear view mirror. One of the worst run cities in America!!!!

  9. The real riots haven't started. What till the cops walk.

  10. Only the family got money not the rioters they will be back.

  11. Byeeeeeeeeeee

  12. I agree with many of the above comments. There will be riots after the trials. I have to wonder if there will be 6 more of them.

  13. 6 million dollars can buy a lot of drugs, guns and agitators.


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