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Tuesday, September 01, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Police officer shot just north of Chicago has died, Fox News confirms

A manhunt is underway north of Chicago for 3 armed suspects in the killing of a Fox Lake, Ill., police officer during a traffic stop this morning.



  1. cops all around the country riot and burn down drug stores....oh, wait....

  2. Black lives dont matter.

  3. It's the media that made targets out of our police they should pay.

  4. So very sad. I hope they catch the scumbags who did this.

    R.I.P., Officer, and may God give comfort to your family.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It's the media that made targets out of our police they should pay.

    September 1, 2015 at 4:50 PM

    no sir, the police did that themselves. I've told y'all this was coming for a year but no one paid heed.

    Still laughing?

  6. 2:11 you are manipulated by the media very few people are shot by police especially blacks. but the media stirs up tensions and fools like you salivate. What will happen is a police state and then you won't any rights.

  7. There is a growing number of armed concerned citizens that are going to explode on the streets of this country.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    2:11 you are manipulated by the media very few people are shot by police especially blacks. but the media stirs up tensions and fools like you salivate. What will happen is a police state and then you won't any rights.

    September 2, 2015 at 9:33 AM

    If you believe that YOU are the fool. Police kill close to a thousand people a year, and that's only the KNOWN figures. There is no way to know how many are actually killed.

    I don't watch tv at all. Maybe you should stop and do some research and stop believing nonsense.

    I have never encountered so many people with their heads in the sand than around this area.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    There is a growing number of armed concerned citizens that are going to explode on the streets of this country.

    September 2, 2015 at 9:34 AM

    No there isn't. They are too busy watching reality shows. Only things that will explode are their pants if they ever get off the couch.


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