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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Breaking News: Baltimore police officer's body found in Inner Harbor

BALTIMORE —A Baltimore police officer's body was found floating in the Inner Harbor, police said.

Officers were called to the area of the 500 block of Harborview Drive on Tuesday on a report of a well-being check.

Police found a man face down in the water in between a boat and the dock. The person was pronounced dead at the scene. He has since been identified as a 34-year-old Officer Prashat Davis, an active member of the Baltimore Police Department. He was a seven-year veteran of the organization and was assigned to the Northern District.



  1. How horrifying. I can't imagine what it's like for his family, and the other officers, knowing the evil that has raised its ugly head.

  2. Another Assassination. BLDM

  3. Oh Christ! He lived on a boat near by. They wouldve said something happened with all the " cop killing" happening. Which by the way ,we are on track for the least amount of police deaths in years. I guess every cop found dead is gonna be an assassination now.

  4. You idiots. Try reading for a change. He lived on a boat in the harbor. Believed to be accidental drowning.

  5. He was Murdered by the drug dealers, where is the rioters now? Police lives I guess don't matter...

    1. Not this time. Or any other time for that matter. You cops and their families better get the reality of the fact that a cop is just another pawn, in your heads.

  6. Geez you guys 227, 224 your ignorance is showing again..did you guys even read the article! jumping to conclusions as usual? they said the death is suspected to be accidental. The guy lives on a boat right near his body.

  7. So he lived on a boat, big deal , he was murdered by the black movement of "Black lives Matter". They hate cops with a passion.

    1. Such a bigot. Got their own people ,cops mind you, that say this wasn't a murder. But you gotta keep pushing the blacks did it. I don't even know you and I hate you with a passion!

    2. Awwww take it easy obama Thug.

    3. What about all the blacks that kill innocent people and cops every day ? I don't even know you and i hate You.

    4. You hate me bc blacks are killing black at triple numbers in the U.S. Each month? Confused much!

  8. Fell down, hit his head and drowned? Entirely possible. Happens all the time.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    What about all the blacks that kill innocent people and cops every day ? I don't even know you and i hate You.

    September 16, 2015 at 5:52 PM

    For one thing, cops are NOT killed every day. Second, blacks kill other blacks more frequently than any 'innocent'. Stop believing everything the media tells you.

  10. With all the blacks shooting cops and screaming about Black Lives matter, where is the outrage and riots for the cop victims? We need to burn Baltimore down! Oh, wait, that will happen closer to Christmas, when they need presents for under the tree.

  11. Anonymous said...
    Awwww take it easy obama Thug.

    September 16, 2015 at 5:51 PM


  12. Not sure why we even choose to acknowledge ignorance, but, I bet someone you love would really appreciate the wasted time. There is no cure for ignorance, no reviving a dead brain, and no salvation for evil, so let it go.... whoever the intelligent person or persons are. Go love somebody!!!


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