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Friday, September 18, 2015

7 Members Appointed To Review Baltimore’s Confederate Statues, Historical Assets

BALTIMORE (WJZ)—The murders of nine church members in South Carolina this summer sparked a controversy in Baltimore: What to do about honoring the confederacy on public property?

WJZ’s Pat Warren has the details.

Seven members have been appointed to a special commission to review all of Baltimore’s Confederate statues and historical assets.

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake selected four members from the Baltimore City Commission for Historical and Architectural Preservation (CHAP) and three members from the Baltimore City Public Arts Commission.



  1. Yes, I'm sure removing old statues will solve Baltimurders problems!

  2. I guess I don't understand the question. There were four flags used by Virginia during the war. That happened in 1864-ish, as three of them looked too much likr the American flag and it was difficult to recognize Confederates from the other side. One of them is being cherry picked in 2015 as some form of Satanism or Bad thoughts because ONE PERSON in the whole US went wacko using that once on his website for a reason to massacre 9 people.

    Think about that.

    If a flag profile causes one person to go wack job, it needs to be banned? What if my American flag s
    Stars and Stripes causes me to go wack job and kill 20 people?

    Do we outlaw the American Flag, or prosecute an obvious criminal and send him off to jail where he obviously belongs?

    Jeesh, people, let's sit back and assess this idiocy.

  3. This movement is totally insane. We can not change history.

  4. You could sterilize history until the cows come home and Baltimore will still be Baltimore.

  5. I just returned from a multi-city business trip - Houston, Dallas, San Diego, Portland, and Memphis. The first thing on the news in every city was something about black violence. The black male is only 8% of the population, but dominates the headlines in every city for crime. Now home in the Baltimore area, it's the same thing; black violence, black issues, black problems on every channel at the beginning of the news cast and people are wasting time worrying about a flag! WTH??

  6. Well we voted a Republican as governor so let's see if he'll help or hurt his voters.

  7. ISIS is doing the same thing to make peace....Ya right.

  8. Re-writing history to appease the PC crowd.

  9. This is what Sheree Sample-Hughes just posted on her Facebook page. Lets see if she get's involved with this to allow Baltimore to keep its Confederate Statues where they are.


    Sheree Sample-Hughes added 10 new photos.

    September 17 at 2:11pm ·

    Preservation of historical venues and learning about Maryland's Forest Industry has been the theme of my travel this week so far.

  10. Anonymous said...
    Well we voted a Republican as governor so let's see if he'll help or hurt his voters.

    September 18, 2015 at 10:14 PM

    He is already hurting us. The Jerk wants to do away with license plates belonging to a heritage group called the Sons of Confederate Veterans.

    I've got new for ole Larry Hogan. You lost my vote buddy and many others that value our heritage.


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