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Thursday, September 03, 2015

$200,000 offer ends 'gay' Democrat's child-sex charges

Democratic Party fundraiser and gay activist Terry Bean made sex-abuse allegations with a 17-year-old boy disappear on Tuesday thanks to a $200,000 settlement offer.

Terry Bean, 67, faced child sexual-abuse charges over a September 2013 incident that allegedly occurred at a Eugene, Oregon, hotel with his ex-boyfriend, 25-year-old Kiah Lawson, and the teenager. Lane County Circuit Judge Jay McAlpin dismissed the case when Lane County Chief Deputy District Attorney Erik Hasselman said the teenager declined to testify, the Register Guard reported Wednesday.

“Mr. Bean, you are free to go,” the judge said, the newspaper reported.

Bean released a statement after the decision, saying “I have been silent for almost a year on the advice of my attorney, but while I am relieved that the charges against me have been dropped, this nightmare never should have even begun,” the Oregonian reported Tuesday. “I take some measure of comfort that the world now knows what I have always known – that I was falsely accused and completely innocent of every accusation that was made.”


  1. Yeah, because nothiung screams being innocent quite like a teenager refusing to testify & a 200K payout.

  2. No different than what Michael Jackson did.

  3. Sounds like Blackmail. "For 200,000 I won't testify"

  4. Obama Crooked BastardoSeptember 3, 2015 at 11:17 PM

    Another member of LGBT Rainbow Coalition pain off Wittness for not to testify. And he is Obama Campaign Donor, wow, what a supprise!!! Another Slimeball Liberal Democrat.

  5. Sounds like a page out of bill Clinton's playback. These people are so foul and in moral.

  6. Is he any part of Rice Consulting?

  7. 10:06 exactly. If you're rich and powerful enough the rules just don't apply to you.

  8. Hey, if you have the money, just buy out the accuser. That's what Michael Jackson did. Next thing you know, parents will be offering up their kids to wealthy pedophiles, just for the money. Apparently pays much better than prostitution.


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