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Sunday, August 16, 2015

You Will Not Believe Why Target Is Removing Gender Labels From the Children’s Department

This is starting to get really, really weird. It will make shopping much more difficult for parents. Your boy wants a cowboys and Indians bedspread? No more signs and labels directing you. Your daughter wants a makeup kit? You’re going to have to look all throughout the toys section to find it.

ABC 13 reports,

Target stores will no longer have ‘boys’ and ‘girls’ sections in most of the children’s departments in their stores.

The chain is removing gender labels from toys and bedding sections after customers complained about gender stereotyping.

Signs designating some items for girls and others for boys will be taken down.

Gender labels will remain in the kids’ clothing section, because of sizing and fit differences.



  1. Kids should play with whatever they want. There are not boys toys and girls toys.

    1. Wierdo! My boy isn't playing with Barbie and Ken.

  2. They will change back once clothing sales drop. I'm a 68 year old male and have young grandchildren. I will not be shopping for them there.

  3. They are also selling a new brand of "boys" underwear that has the fly opening, and frilly lace on the edges!

  4. And that's just one more reason not to shop at Target. The last time I went in there to buy a clothing item, I ended up having to get a new credit card.

  5. How stupid can you get. This is just plain stupid the length they will go to for political correctness. Many people won't shop at Target
    now because they don't do not want people in their store carrying guns
    even if they are police officers or have a legal permit to carry. I hope they lose all their business now with this stupid move.

  6. I heard some hospitals are also doing away with Pink or Blue blankets, and removed those gift items that said "It's a Boy or It's a Girl" so as to not offend anyone.

    1. Lmao. Seriously? It's a 50/50 shot. Your either a boy or girl. Only knows how to poop pee eat sleep. That's it. How can anyone be offended by its a boy .... Or its a girl?

  7. I stopped going there when they would not allow the Salvation Army Red Kettle volunteers at Christmas time.

  8. What's next? Bruce...er, "Caitlyn" Jenner greeting you at the front door?

  9. If people would actually bother reading Target's press release, they will still have gender labeling on the clothing departments, bathrooms, etc. They are simply removing the gender labeling from the toy and bedding departments - the toy department will be laid out the way toy departments *used to be* laid out. I'm very much in favor of this change - instead of looking at "girls"/"boys" LEGO sets, I can just go into the LEGO aisle and find whatever my child wants (not all girls like those cheesy pink sets), and the same applies for things like building sets, which are currently in different areas based on which gender they're for. As a girl who despised (and still does) "girly" versions of toys (I loved Transformers and Hot Wheels and "boys" LEGO sets and Tonka trucks), I embrace this change!

    1. Then walk your lazy ass into the boys section and get what you want. Nobody's stopping you!!!!

  10. 2:18....you could always go into the boys section and buy whatever you wanted and still can.
    Not all girls "despise" girly things, just like most girls don't want a girlfriend either, but with our new age "everything is cool" philosophy, we are doing our damnedest to make kids wonder who they REALLY are and that is a shame.
    I think the great majority of Americans are just fine with "boys" and "girls" sections (are they really that offensive???), but a very small percentage of citizens have been allowed to push their special agendas down the throats of everyone else.
    You like boy toys? You've always known where to find them, but there's no need for me (or anyone else) to go through the doll section to get a Tonka truck. And no, not very many boys are looking for a doll. Not very many at all. No matter what the transgender/gay/cross dressing/deviant spokespeople want you to believe.
    Keep cheering.

    1. Think you are a insecure troll. Why don't you post your name if you really want to be known?

  11. 2:18 Expecting people on here to actually read and understand something is asking a lot. This is the age of headlines and 30 second sound bites. That's how we have ended up where we are.


  12. Well bless their little heart, and even smaller brains.

    Won't have to target any of my dollars in their direction.

  13. They don't want to offend Catlin.

  14. Separating the sections is a convenience. Got five isles to look through. Eliminating these now makes ten. This is grocery 101. Make them look for as long as possible.

  15. See the stores are getting a little confused. They need to decide whether they want to sell me products or pitch me left wing weak folks politics. Cuz they don't get to do both. I'm pretty surprised that target would alienate the 99.96575% for the minority with gender confusion out whatever. But you know what's really going on here. Maybe They're making too much money like GM in the 60s and theyre trying hard to drive away customers and reduce profits! Cuz that's of course what will happen. Target will never see me again until this is made right. And I'm spreading the word.


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