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Friday, August 21, 2015

Wisconsin High School To Randomly Drug Test Students

A wisconsin high school district has been caught up in controversy over a new policy to randomly drug test students, much like a prison would inmates.

The Crivitz school district will usher in the new policy in the fall, claiming that it is to “protect” students.

“We have a growing drug problem in Marinette County and in talking with the police force and talking with school administrators and other conference athletic directors, I just felt that as a school we could do something to try to deter students,” said athletic director and varsity football coach Jeff Dorschner.

Given that it is actually unconstitutional to randomly drug test students, the school district is using a loophole to do so.

Students taking part in extracurricular activities or students who park vehicles on school property will be subject to the random testing.

“Participating in extracurriculars, um in public high schools is a privilege and it’s not a right, as well as parking on our school parking lot,” Dorschner explained.

Tests will be conducted by randomly picking student identification numbers via computer every fortnight.



  1. You won't see that here, the NAACP will put a stop to it fast!

  2. I'm White and would put a stop to it. Without a parents permission this is illegal search all day!

  3. Far out DUDE...

  4. Provide them with condoms and then drug test , head is not screwed on properly.

  5. Wow! If they had done this at JMB when I was there in the 70's there would have been no sports teams.

  6. "...much like a prison would inmates."

    Or like the military does, or a business that doesn't want its employees drugged up on the job.

  7. Cannot withstand a court challenge.


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